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Fórum Oficial da ANASP

Bem-vindo ao Fórum Oficial da ANASP, Fundada em 2009 | Associação Nacional Agentes Segurança Privada | Portugal

ANASP - Associação Nacional Agentes Segurança Privada


Sede: Urbanização Caliço, Lote P10, Frente A, 8200 Albufeira (ao lado terminal autocarros Albufeira)
Delegação Faro: Rua Libânio Martins, nº14, Fração B na União de Freguesias da Sé e São Pedro.

Delegação Lisboa:  Rua Abranches Ferrão Nº 13, 1º, 1600-296 Lisboa (Em frente à Loja do Cidadão das Laranjeiras)

Delegação Braga: Rua Dr. Francisco Duarte, 75/125, 1º, Sala 23, C.C. Sotto Mayor – 4715-017 Braga

 (ao lado Segurança Social de Braga, contactar Dra. Eva Mendes)

Telemóvel: 938128328 Telefone: 289048068

Horário de atendimento: Segunda a Sexta: 09h/12h - 14h/17h

Telefone: +351 253 054 799

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Email: geral.anasp@gmail.com

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    ARTIGOS 06Jan


    Mensagens : 3215
    Reputação : 61
    Data de inscrição : 17/07/2009
    Idade : 44
    Localização : Portugal

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    Mensagem por ANASP

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    Saudi Arabia Faces Challenges in the New Year

    By Michael Nayebi-Oskoui

    The Middle East is one of the most volatile regions in the world — it is no stranger to upheaval. The 2009 uprisings in Iran and the brinksmanship of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government were followed by the chaos of the Arab Spring, the spillover of the Syrian conflict into Iraq and a potential realignment of the U.S.-Iranian relationship. Unlike recent years, however, 2015 is likely to see regional Sunni Arab interests realign toward a broader acceptance of moderate political Islam. The region is emerging from the uncertainty of the past half-decade, and the foundations of its future are taking shape. This process will not be neat or orderly, but changes are clearly taking place surrounding the Syrian and Libyan conflicts, as well as the region's anticipation of a strengthened Iran.
    The Middle East enters 2015 facing several crises. Libyan instability remains a threat to North African security, and the Levant and Persian Gulf must figure out how to adjust course in the wake of the U.S.-Iranian negotiations, the Sunni-Shiite proxy war in Syria and Iraq, and the power vacuum created by a Turkish state bogged down by internal concerns that prevent it from assuming a larger role throughout the region. Further undermining the region is the sharp decline in global oil prices. While Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates will be able to use considerable cash reserves to ride out the slump, the rest of the Middle East's oil-exporting economies face dire consequences.

    For decades, long-ruling autocratic leaders in countries such as Algeria and Yemen helped keep militancy in check, loosely following the model of military-backed Arab nationalism championed by Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt. Arab monarchs were able to limit domestic dissent or calls for democracy through a combination of social spending and repression. The United States not only partnered with many of these nations to fight terrorism — especially after September 2001 — but also saw the Gulf states as a reliable bulwark against Iranian expansion and a dangerous Iraq led by Saddam Hussein. Levantine instability was largely contained to Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, while Israel's other neighbors largely abided by a tacit agreement to limit threats emanating from their territories.

    Today, Saddam's iron grip on Iraq has been broken, replaced by a fractious democracy that is as threatened by the Islamic State as it is by its own political processes. Gone are the long-time leaders of states like Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. Meanwhile, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Oman are facing uncertain transitions that could well take place by year's end. The United States' serious dialogue with Iran over the latter's nuclear program, once a nearly unthinkable scenario for many in the Gulf, has precipitated some of the biggest shifts in regional dynamics, especially as Saudi Arabia and its allies work to lessen their reliance on Washington's protection.

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    CFR: A Economia por Mares Agitados em 2015
    Posted: 05 Jan 2015 06:56 AM PST
    // // // ]]> Estagnação na Europa, instabilidade na Rússia, incerteza na China… O quadro que traçam os “experts” contactados pelo CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) não é nada tranquilizador, mas não se pode dizer que seja surpreendente. Bem pelo contrário… E isso é ainda mais perturbador. “A economia global navega por mares agitados”, confirmam. [...]
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    Os Grandes Acontecimentos Que 2014 Produziu
    Posted: 05 Jan 2015 06:36 AM PST
    // // // ]]> O “persistente declínio da Europa” (the single most important event in 2014 was one that did not occur: Europe did not solve its longstanding economic, political and social problems… With each year that passes, we must be open to the possibility that this is no longer a crisis that will pass, [...]
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    Livros para Zuckerberg… E, sobretudo, não só!
    Posted: 05 Jan 2015 06:26 AM PST
    // // // ]]> O CEO do Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, promete ler livros durante o ano de 2015. Óptimo e que seja bem-vindo ao clube… Ambicioso, Zuckerberg anuncia como meta ler um livro a cada duas semanas e convida os utentes do “Face” a lerem em conjunto e discutirem a obra com ele. O primeiro [...]
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