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    Mensagem por ANASP

    Ucrânia. Pela primeira vez, televisão russa evoca soldado morto no leste
    A televisão russa quebrou pela primeira vez o silêncio sobre a presumível presença de soldados russos na Ucrânia, difundindo uma reportagem ...
    Barack Obama "cético" sobre cumprimento do acordo de cessar-fogo na Ucrânia
    O Presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, exprimiu hoje o seu ceticismo sobre o cumprimento do acordo de cessar-fogo entre a Ucrânia e os ...


    Especialista descarta grandes ataques do EI no Ocidente
    Mas atentados localizados, como o do museu judaico em Bruxelas, não são ... "Estado Islâmico" deve substituir Al Qaeda como grupo terrorista mais ...
    Crimeia poderá exigir da Ucrânia devolução de obras de arte
    Diário da Rússia
    As autoridades da Crimeia poderão exigir de Kiev a devolução de todos os objetos de arte encontrados no território da península e transferidos para ...
    Líbano rejeita troca entre jihadistas e militares capturados
    Beirute, - O governo libanês rejeitou nesta quinta-feira libertar jihadistas presos em troca de soldados e policiais capturados por combatentes ...

    A Bola

    Relatório da ONU aponta graves violações de direitos humanos na Líbia
    Boa Informação
    Documento lançado esta quinta-feira foi elaborado pelo Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para os Direitos Humanos e a operação de paz da ...
    ONU diz que 250 mil pessoas fugiram de milícias na Líbia
    O documento da Missão de Apoio das Nações Unidas na Líbia (UNSMIL) e do Comitê de Direitos Humanos da ONU estima que 150 mil pessoas, ...


    EUA quer trabalhar com Angola na Convenção de Armas Químicas e Biológicas
    Luanda - Os Estados Unidos da América (EUA) querem trabalhar com a República de Angola na implementação da Convenção de Armas Químicas ...


    Brasil: Cooperação centraliza audiências do ministro da Defesa angolano
    Trata-se dos embaixadores Domingos Mascarenhas (Cabo Verde) e Jaime Gazmuri (Chile) que foram recebidos, em audiências separadas de cerca ...
    Cabo Verde: Ministra da Administração Interna desvaloriza declarações do MpD
    Jornal Digital
    Praia - A ministra da Administração Interna desvalorizou esta quinta-feira, 4 de Setembro, as críticas do MpD sobre a criminalidade, e recomendou ...

    Correio da Manhã

    Ministro da Coreia do Sul ameaçado de morte
    Correio da Manhã
    O ministro prometeu tomar fortes medidas contra quaisquer provocações pelaCoreia do Norte, que nos meses recentes conduziu uma série de testes ...
    Coreia do Norte começa a estabelecer relações com Europa
    Voz da Russia
    Pyongyang começou uma aproximação com a Europa. Kang Sok-ju, secretário do Comitê Central do Partido do Trabalho da Coreia para Relações ...
    Reator nuclear da Coreia do Norte pode estar operacional, diz relatório
    O reator nuclear de Yongbyon, na Coreia do Norte, capaz de produzir plutônio para armas atômicas, pode estar operando novamente, ao menos ...

    Iraque: ataque aéreo mata o «braço direito» do líder do Estado Islâmico

    Na Síria, uma operação do exército matou 18 combatentes do EI, entre os quais um norte-americano

    Por: Redacção / CP    |   2014-09-04  

    fonte. http://www.tvi24.iol.pt/503/internacional/estado-islamico-jihadistas-siria-tvi24/1570751-4073.html
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    Egypt ex-president charged with spying for Qatar, faces death penalty

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]By IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org
    Egypt’s ousted president Mohammed Morsi has been officially charged with spying for the government of Qatar, in what Egypt’s state prosecutor calls the biggest espionage case in the country’s history. In the summer of 2012, Morsi, representing the Muslim Brotherhood, became the first democratically elected national leader in Egyptian history, after winning the presidential election with nearly 52 percent of the vote. But he was ousted in a military coup a year later, following widespread protests against him and the Muslim Brotherhood, and has been held in prison ever since. Now Egypt’s state prosecutor has charged Morsi and eight others, including two former presidential aides, with spying on behalf of the government of Qatar. Egypt’s government accuses Morsi of selling classified documents “with direct bearing on Egypt’s national security” to the intelligence services of Qatar in exchange for $1 million. The documents allegedly included sensitive information on Egyptian military strategy, as well as tactical “positioning and the nature of its armaments”. The indictment says Morsi authorized the transfer of the documents through the Muslim Brotherhood’s “international bureau”, and that the illegal exchange was facilitated by television network Al Jazeera, which is owned by the royal family of Qatar. The oil kingdom is among the strongest international supporters of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, as well as Hamas, which is the Muslim Brotherhood’s sister organization in the Occupied Territories. Speaking to Reuters news agency, an Al Jazeera representative denied that the network played any role in transferring classified Egyptian documents to the government of Qatar. He told the news agency that “any information received by Al Jazeera is handled with the highest standard of journalistic ethics. Read more of this post

    [size=31]Obama to Outline ISIS Strategy[/size]
    U.S. President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet with congressional leaders on Tuesday to outline the government's plan (AP) to combat ISIS in Iraq and Syria, although he has emphatically ruled out the deployment of additional U.S. combat troops to the region. Hisappeal to a divided Congress (WSJ) comes as the U.S. military broadens its month-old airstrike campaign against the militants in Iraq, where a barrage of airstrikes on Sunday targeted militants attempting to seize the strategic Haditha Dam (FT). The president's announcement comes in the wake of a convention of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo, where Arab League chief Nabil al-Araby called for a military and political confrontation with ISIS (AFP).


    "The US has finally intervened in Iraq because it was able to do so at little cost: there was no danger of an escalating conflict with IS, which has no means of immediate retaliation;little chance of an outcry from US or global public opinion, which broadly backs the cause; nor of diplomatic complications, since views on IS are unanimous in the Iraqi government, the Kurdish leadership and in neighbouring Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia," writes Peter Harling for Le Monde Diplomatique.
    "ISIS is the worst sort of regime imaginable, and may have to be eliminated or contained; but instinctive liberal antipathy for all non-democratic regimes must not get in the way of picking some kind of existing alternative power structure that can survive in the modern Middle East, and that Americans are prepared to live with," writes the Economist.
    "The problem is that the strategy fails to take into account Iraqi leaders' record in failing toturn inclusive politics into functional governance, Isis's proven ability to nimbly adapt to battlefield changes and the glacial pace of institutional reform in Baghdad, especially of the security forces," writes Borzou Daragahi for Financial Times.


    Susan Rice in Beijing
    U.S. national security advisor Susan Rice began talks in Beijing on Monday with top Chinese military and diplomatic officials, kicking off a trip that will help shape the agenda for President Barack Obama's November visit to the capital (SCMP).
    JAPAN: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wrapped up a trip to Sri Lanka on Monday aftervisiting Bangladesh (AFP). The trips precede an official tour of India and Sri Lanka by Chinese president Xi Jinping next week.


    Myanmar Cancels By-Elections
    Myanmar's electoral union announced on Sunday that it was canceling by-elections (AP)slated for the latter part of the year due to schedule conflicts including the 2015 general election and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in November. The by-elections aimed to fill thirty-five empty parliamentary seats.
    INDIA: The prime ministers of India and Pakistan offered mutual help after floods ravaged the disputed territory of Kashmir (Reuters). The conciliatory move follows weeks of army clashes and tense rhetoric.


    Iran's Khamenei Undergoes Surgery
    Iranian state media reported that the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, underwent prostate surgery on Monday in Tehran (AP). The news was a rare report of the state of health of Iran's top cleric, who is seventy-five; he was Iran's president for eight years before becoming the supreme leader in 1989.


    Al-Shabab Names New Leader
    Somali militant group al-Shabab named Ahmed Umar—also known as Abu Ubaidah—as the successor to Ahmed Abdi Godane, who was killed in U.S. airstrikes last Tuesday outside the port city of Barawe, al-Shabab's last major stronghold. The group vowed revenge for Abdi Godane's death (al-Jazeera).
    This CFR Backgrounder lends insight into the al-Qaeda-linked militant group.
    SIERRA LEONE: Sierra Leone announced a three-day countrywide lockdown (RFI) in a controversial bid to contain the Ebola outbreak. Citizens will be banned from travel and public transport.
    CFR's Laurie Garrett criticizes the international community's response to the outbreak in an op-ed for Foreign Policy.


    EU Sanctions to Take Effect Tuesday
    The European Union said fresh sanctions on Russia (BBC) will go into effect on Tuesday despite a warning of retaliation from Moscow. Meanwhile, pro-Russian rebels and Ukrainian troops appear to be holding a fragile truce Monday after parties agreed to a cease-fire that commenced Friday evening.
    Western powers should prepare for non-military disruptive actions from Russia, expertMark Galeotti tells CFR.
    U.K.: Chancellor George Osborne promised Scotland new powers over tax, welfare, and job creation if it rejected independence in this month's referendum (Independent). A new poll showed the pro-independence campaign ahead.


    Brazilian Politicians Implicated in Scandal
    Several Brazilian politicians, including some close to presidential candidate Marina Silva and President Dilma Rousseff, are implicated in a vast kickback scheme involving the state-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro. Allegations were revealed this weekend in confidential testimony by a jailed former executive for the company; those accused of being involved include Silva's former running mate Eduardo Campos and top figures in Rousseff's governing coalition (NYT).
    UNITED STATES: President Obama said Saturday he would be forced to postpone changes to the country's immigration system (LATimes), a delay that would leave tens of thousands open to deportation.
    This CFR Backgrounder delves into the child migrant influx.



    meroon4 Sep 2014Cameroon: Prevention is Better than Cure


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    Islamic State group training terrorists in Sinai 
    Sinai terrorists Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, who have fired rockets into Israel, say ISIS is "teaching us how to carry out operations" • "Ansar and Islamic State definitely have ties but there are no Islamic State members in Egypt," says security official.

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]Abbas threatens to dissolve Palestinian unity government
    "Hamas must recognize that the West Bank and Gaza are a single unit," says Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas • Officials in Ramallah worry that Hamas plans to overtake the West Bank • Hamas leader Isamil Haniyeh says Gaza will not disarm.
    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]Israel increasingly concerned over fighting on Syrian border
    Syrian air force targets rebel strongholds near Quneitra crossing, taking care not to enter demilitarized airspace • Nusra Front demands ransom for 45 Fijian U.N. troops • Israel reportedly detonates spying device in Lebanon, killing Hezbollah member.
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