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ARTIGOS_31 DE AGOSTO A 03 DE SETEMBRO EmptySex 31 Jul 2015, 14:34 por ANASP

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ARTIGOS_31 DE AGOSTO A 03 DE SETEMBRO EmptySex 31 Jul 2015, 14:31 por ANASP

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    Mensagens : 3215
    Reputação : 61
    Data de inscrição : 17/07/2009
    Idade : 44
    Localização : Portugal


    Mensagem por ANASP

    NESTE VÍDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mhUK_2RLdY
    Alguns "maus intérpretes do verdadeiro Islão", interpretam fielmente a letra e o espírito dos textos sagrados islâmicos. 
    Quem não se sente chocado a ver isto, merece a cauda de que os seus antepassados injustamente o deserdaram.

    É isto a "Religião da Paz"!
    É este tipo de inimigo existencial, sem qualquer respeito pelos mais elementares princípios da moralidade humana, que estamos a importar para a Eurábia.
    São estas bestas humanas que, no Iraque, na Síria, em Nova York, em Madrid, em Gaza, em Londres, em Bruxelas, em Toulouse, em Bali, em Beslan, em Bombaim, na Somália, na Nigéria, nas Filipinas, etc, etc, estão a fazer o mundo em que viverão os nossos filhos e netos.
    E isto tudo porque, garantem manadas de idiotas úteis, sofrem de "exclusão social", "falta de oportunidades" , "desigualdades", "diiculdades de integração" e outras patetices do género.
    Um dia, também os idiotas úteis levarão como prenda uma bala na nuca, se não entendermos a tempo que o confronto com esta gente é um jogo de soma zero e que é inevitável.

    Se Barroso não voltar atrás, Putin divulga áudio do telefonema
    O embaixador russo para a União Europeia adiantou, esta terça-feira, que se Durão Barroso não se retratar de uma afirmação alegadamente proferida por Vladimir Putin, a Rússia vai divulgar publicamente todo o conteúdo da conversa em questão, avança o USA Today.
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     - 03 de Setembro de 2014 | Por Notícias Ao Minuto

    fonte. [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]

    Portugal assume Policiamento Aéreo do Báltico, Bloco 36

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    Portugal assumiu no dia 02 de Setembro a liderança e transição plena do bloco 36 do Policiamento Aéreo do Báltico / Baltic Air Policing (BAP) na Lituânia.

    São quatro as nações NATO comprometidas em cumprir a missão de policiamento aéreo dos países bálticos, uma vez que estes países não possuem meios de Defesa Aérea. Até dia 31 de Dezembro, Portugal será a nação líder do BAP, havendo ainda o contributo de meios da Alemanha, Canadá e Holanda.

    Portugal destacou 6 aeronaves F-16 e 70 militares a fim de assegurar esta missão, 24 horas por dia e 7 dias por semana.

    No dia 01 de Setembro decorreu a cerimónia de rendição dos destacamentos BAP na Lituânia. A Polónia e o Reino Unido cedem o comando das operações a Portugal e Canadá, respectivamente. Na Estónia, a Dinamarca cedeu o lugar à Alemanha e na Polónia a França é substituída pela Holanda.

    Durante a cerimónia, as palavras de todos os políticos e líderes militares envolvidos foram num contexto de cooperação e apoio constante. O trabalho das nações do bloco 36 foi elogiado e ficou a certeza de que as nações e meios do bloco 36 continuarão a garantir a segurança do espaço aéreo da região do Báltico. FAP



    Turkey summons US chargé d’affaires to protest spying claims

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]By IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org
    The government of Turkey has summoned the interim head of the United States diplomatic mission in the country to lodge an official protest over reports that Washington has been spying on Turkish leaders for nearly 10 years. German publication Der Spiegel saidon Sunday that American intelligence agencies, with the help of British operatives, have engaged in “intensive spying” of Turkish government officials since at least 2006. The German newsmagazine said the information was based on internal documents released by American defector Edward Snowden, a former employee of the US National Security Agency who is currently living in Russia. The documents show that the NSA, which conducts worldwide communications interception on behalf of the US government, places Turkey “ahead of Cuba” when it comes to intelligence collection in the service of American national security. The documents supplied by Snowden show that the NSA launched a sizeable surveillance operation in 2006, in which it targeted the computers of Turkey’s senior government officials, including those belonging to then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Spiegel also said that Washington targeted Turkey’s embassy in the US and even spied on the communications of Turkey’s permanent mission in the United Nations in New York. The reported aim of the spying operations was to acquire accurate information regarding Ankara’s strategic intentions under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdoğan. What is more, the information gathered by the US was eventually shared with members of the so-called UKUSA agreement, namely Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. On Tuesday, Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement describing the Spiegel revelations as “grave allegations” that “cannot be accepted”. It added that, if true, the German newsmagazine’s revelations pointed to actions that were incompatible with “the history of friendship between the two countries”. Read more of this post

    Fearing Soviet invasion, FBI trained Alaskan spies, files show

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org
    The United States government set up a secret network of citizen-spies in Alaska in response to concerns that the Soviet Union was planning to invade the territory, newly declassified documents show. The documents, dating from 1950, were given to the Associated Press by The Government Attic, a website specializing in publishing US government files obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests. The news agencysaid on Sunday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation decided to set up the secret network of agents in the 1950s, after it was warned by the US Air Force that a Soviet invasion of Alaska was “a real possibility”. One FBI memo from the time stressed the likelihood that Moscow would stage an airborne invasion of what was then the US territory of Alaska, using “bombing and the dropping of paratroopers”. Responding to such concerns, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover authorized Operation WASHTUB, which involved the establishment of a “stay-behind” force of nearly 100 citizen-agents recruited from the local population. The operation, which was also known by several other codenames, including CORPUSCLE, STIGMATIC and CATBOAT, was headed by Hoover protégé Joseph F. Carroll, of the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations. From 1951 to 1959, the OSI, in association with the FBI, recruited Alaskan woodmen, fishermen, pilots, and others, paying them up to $3,000 a year (nearly $30,000 in today’s currency), a sum which was to be doubled following a Soviet invasion. The “stay-behind” agents were to retreat to predetermined hideouts throughout Alaska, unearth hidden caches of food, survival supplies, and communications facilities, and transmit information about Soviet movements. The Associated Press report suggests that the concept of stay-behind agents in Alaska was novel in those early stages of the Cold War. But the report fails to mention Operation GLADIO, the stay-behind program instituted by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Europe, which appears to have preceded Operation WASHTUB by at least two years. Read more of this post

    Ukraine, Iraq and a Black Sea Strategy

    The United States is, at the moment, off balance. It faces challenges in the Syria-Iraq theater as well as challenges in Ukraine. It does not have a clear response to either. It does not know what success in either theater would look like, what resources it is prepared to devote to either, nor whether the consequences of defeat would be manageable.

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    A dilemma of this sort is not unusual for a global power. Its very breadth of interests and the extent of power create opportunities for unexpected events, and these events, particularly simultaneous challenges in different areas, create uncertainty and confusion. U.S. geography and power permit a degree of uncertainty without leading to disaster, but generating a coherent and integrated strategy is necessary, even if that strategy is simply to walk away and let events run their course. I am not suggesting the latter strategy but arguing that at a certain point, confusion must run its course and clear intentions must emerge. When they do, the result will be the coherence of a new strategic map that encompasses both conflicts.

    The most critical issue for the United States is to create a single integrated plan that takes into account the most pressing challenges. Such a plan must begin by defining a theater of operations sufficiently coherent geographically as to permit integrated political maneuvering and military planning. U.S. military doctrine has moved explicitly away from a two-war strategy. Operationally, it might not be possible to engage all adversaries simultaneously, but conceptually, it is essential to think in terms of a coherent center of gravity of operations. For me, it is increasingly clear that that center is the Black Sea.

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    [size=31]Britain Expresses Concern Over Hong Kong Political Unrest[/size]
    A British parliamentary inquiry (SCMP) into ongoing political tensions in Hong Kong said that China appears to have breached the terms of a China-U.K. treaty when Beijing effectively ruled out the possibility of democracy in the territory on Sunday (TIME). Hong Kong has faced weeks of pro-democracy demonstrations organized by a grassroots opposition group called Occupy Central, which rejects Beijing's influence over the 2017 election—the first in which the Hong Kong chief executive is directly chosen by voters. The central government announced on Sunday a restrictive framework for the election that gives Beijing control over the two or three candidates, triggering police arrests after further demonstrations (Guardian).
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