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    ARTIGOS 30-07-2014


    Mensagens : 3215
    Reputação : 61
    Data de inscrição : 17/07/2009
    Idade : 44
    Localização : Portugal

    ARTIGOS 30-07-2014 Empty ARTIGOS 30-07-2014

    Mensagem por ANASP



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    No âmbito do Plano FAUNOS, iniciado a 21 de abril de 2014, foram concluídos os trabalhos realizados em Vila Pouca de Aguiar, tendo-se executado cerca de 5.100 metros de reparação de caminhos florestais e limpeza de aceiros da rede viária florestal, bem como a execução de 22.400 metros de faixa de interrupção da rede primária de faixas de gestão de combustível. 

    Assim, em 14 de Julho de 2014, deu-se continuidade aos trabalhos, agora já em Ribeira de Pena, continuando empenhada uma Equipa de Engenharia e uma Equipa de Segurança, as quais integram dois Sargentos e oito Praças, bem como uma poule de equipamentos constituída por dois Tractores de Lagartas e duas Viaturas Tácticas Médias. Nesta área está prevista a abertura de uma faixa de interrupção numa extensão de cerca de 12.000 metros, restando ainda as intervenções previstas para os concelhos de Boticas e Montalegre, com cerca de 14.000 metros. (Exército)



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    Em 21 de Julho passado, uma comitiva constituída por militares de todas as Unidades de Cavalaria do Exército, da Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) e outras entidades convidadas, deslocou-se à Vila da Batalha a fim de prestar a tradicional homenagem ao Patrono da Cavalaria, Joaquim Mouzinho de Albuquerque.

    Neste dia, evocativo do Combate de Macontene ocorrido em Moçambique em 1897, o então Capitão Mouzinho de Albuquerque, à frente de uma pequena força expedicionária, carregou sobre um inimigo dez vezes mais numeroso, tendo-o destroçado e, em consequência, assegurado a estabilidade na região, nos anos que se seguiram.

    A cerimónia foi presidida pelo Director Honorário da Arma de Cavalaria (DHAC), Tenente-General Mourato Caldeira, tendo contado com a presença do Presidente da Câmara da Batalha, Dr. Paulo Batista dos Santos, bem com inúmeros batalhenses e turistas, atraídos pelo brilho e colorido dos metais, uniformes e estandartes, bem como pela graciosidade dos cavalos.

    A formatura, comandada pelo Tenente-Coronel de Cavalaria Paulo Zagalo, foi organizada com o seguinte dispositivo:

    Terno de Clarins reforçado da Fanfarra do Exército;

    Bloco de Estandartes Heráldicos, constituído pelos estandartes do Regimento de Lanceiros Nº 2, Regimento de Cavalaria Nº 3, Regimento de Cavalaria Nº 6, Escola das Armas, Quartel da Cavalaria da Brigada Mecanizada e Unidade de Segurança e Honras de Estado, da GNR.

    Força a Cavalo, integrando representantes das diversas unidades presentes.

    O singelo mas sentido tributo prestado pelos Cavaleiros, com o apoio do Município da Batalha, a um dos mais brilhantes Portugueses do final do séc. XIX, constituiu uma breve revisitação da História de Portugal e ainda um momento de reflexão sobre os valores e os traços distintivos da identidade de um Povo, num tempo em que as referências éticas, morais e espirituais são, amiudadas vezes, negligenciadas ou adulteradas. (Exército)


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    Integrado no Plano de Acção Conjunta (JDP – Joint Deployment Plan), e coordenado pela Agência Europeia de Controlo de Pescas (EFCA), o NRP Viana do Castelo vai colaborar, a partir do dia 01 de Agosto, em conjunto com a Direcção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos, numa missão de fiscalização no âmbito da União Europeia, a realizar nos Grandes Bancos de Pesca da Terra Nova – Canadá.

    ​Nesta missão, que decorre até 30 de Agosto, irão embarcar um coordenador da EFCA e três inspectores da União Europeia (um proveniente da Lituânia).

    As acções de fiscalização das embarcações de pesca estendem-se por um vasto espaço marítimo (aproximadamente 2.700.000Km2), denominado por área da convenção NAFO (North Atlantic Fishing Organization), e vão prolongar-se até ao final do mês de Agosto. No decurso da missão prevê-se uma escala logística ao porto de St. John’s (na Terra Nova), onde serão realizados vários eventos de cariz protocolar com o objectivo de fortalecer os laços entre as comunidades dos dois Países.

    Em simultâneo será realizada a Viagem de Instrução de cadetes do Curso contra-almirante Almeida Henriques, proporcionando aos treze alunos do 3º ano da Escola Naval a aplicação dos conhecimentos e perícias adquiridos ao longo do ano lectivo. (MGP)


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    No passado dia 11 de Julho de 2014 realizaram-se no Polígono de Tancos, no Polo Permanente do Prédio Militar 001/VNB – RE1, as Cerimónias Comemorativas do Dia da Arma de Engenharia e do Regimento de Engenharia Nº 1 (RE1), celebrando-se assim os 367 anos de existência da Arma e os 202 anos do Regimento.

    A cerimónia foi presidida pelo Excelentíssimo Tenente-General Vice-Chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército, TGen António Carlos de Sá Campos Gil, tendo estado também presentes outros Oficiais Generais, no activo e nas situações de Reserva e de Reforma, antigos Comandantes do RE1 e da ex-Escola Prática de Engenharia, bem como diversos militares e entidades civis convidadas para o evento. De destacar as presenças dos Presidentes das Câmaras Municipais de Vila Nova da Barquinha, de Constância e do Entroncamento.

    O dia iniciou-se às 07.00 horas com a realização da alvorada festiva a que se seguiu, pelas 08.00 horas, o Içar da Bandeira Nacional. Antes da missa na Capela da Unidade decorreu a Cerimónia de Homenagem aos Militares de Engenharia Mortos em Defesa da Pátria. Pelas 10.30 foram prestadas as honras protocolares, às quais se seguiu a Cerimónia Militar.

    Após a cerimónia militar, decorreu uma sessão solene onde foram abordados temas como as actividades da engenharia militar em 2013/2014, a apresentação das conclusões das Jornadas de Engenharia realizadas no Regimento de Engenharia Nº 3 em Junho de 2014, o pré-lançamento do livro “Aspectos da História da Escola Prática de Engenharia” e lançamento do livro “A Engenharia Militar na Guiné - O Batalhão de Engenharia”. O dia ficou também marcado pela tomada de posse do novo Director Honorário da Arma de Engenharia, TGen Rodrigues da Costa. (Exército



    Destroying Hamas won’t solve conflict, says top US Pentagon official

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org
    The most senior military intelligence official of the United States has warned that the destruction of Palestinian militant group Hamas will not solve, and might even intensify, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Hamas, otherwise known by its full name, Islamic Resistance Movement, was founded with Israeli help in 1987 to combat the power of its secular rival, Fatah. Since 2007, Hamas has ruled the Gaza Strip, after winning most of the votes in the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary election. Fatah, which refused to hand over power to Hamas, now governs the West Bank. Israel has for many years accused Hamas for leading what it describes as the “rejectionist” camp of the Palestinian nationalist movement, by refusing to accept the legitimacy of the Jewish state. The US is in broad agreement with its close ally Israel, and has designated Hamas as a foreign terrorist organization. On Saturday, however, the outgoing director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, warned Israeli officials that wiping out Hamas will not mean the end of the Palestinian-Israeli dispute, and that the group’s demise will probably lead to a far more radical group taking its place. Lieut. Gen. Flynn was speaking at the Aspen Security Forum, an annual gathering of senior defense leaders in Aspen, Colorado. The top US military intelligence official told his audience that “if Hamas were destroyed and gone, we would probably end up with something much worse”. He went on to add that the militant group’s place in Gaza would probably be replaced by “something like ISIS”. Lieut. Gen. Flynn was referring to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, known as ISIS, which has emerged from the Syrian Civil War as the most powerful non-state actor in the region. The group has already announced the creation of an Islamic State in territory under its control in the borderlands of Iraq and Syria. Lieut. Gen. Flynn was echoingsimilar views expressed earlier this month by former Israeli intelligence official Efraim Halevy, who directed Israel’s covert-action agency, Mossad, from 1998 to 2002. Speaking to American television network CNN, Halevy said that numerous radical groups in the Gaza Strip would be far more threatening to Israel’s security than Hamas. Read more of this post


    Echoes of the Great War Resonate a Century Later

    On July 28, 1914, exactly one month after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were shot dead, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. The stage was set for World War I, an inevitable result of decades of political maneuvering, militarization, alliances and planning for a conflict that would shatter the great European epoch, laying waste to empires and ascendant nations. 

    At the heart of World War I was the rise of Germany and the question of its place in the European balance of power. Prussian statesman Otto Von Bismarck had painstakingly crafted a modern, unified German nation through fire and blood, ensuring its survival through shrewd realpolitik diplomacy. The new unified Germany remained wary of potential threats from east and west, a concern reciprocated by nearby states, which harbored deep-seated concerns and fears over Germany's rise that even Bismarck could not allay. With the coronation of Kaiser Wilhelm II, a man known to be possessed of unbridled ambition, the German question increasingly demanded an answer. 

    With the possibility of a pan-European conflict growing, the Great Powers set about drawing up strategic war plans. Each nation made its plans based on its unique geopolitical position, but the grand designs were also deeply affected by a host of secondary considerations. Constrained by a historic legacy of conquests, alliances and rivalries, and shaped by emotional and political ideology, the war plans of the Great Powers were a clash between seemingly sound strategy and each nation's unique and subjective interests. 

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    [size=31] Israel Vows to Destroy Gaza Tunnels[/size]
    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday ruled out any cease-fire that would prevent Israel from continuing to destroy Hamas' tunnel network under the Israel-Gaza border (Haaretz), a condition that Hamas' military wing signaled it would reject. The announcement comes as the Israeli military called up an additional sixteen thousand reservists (WSJ). Meanwhile, the United Nations and United States condemned the shelling of a UN school where Gazans had taken shelter, while the Pentagon opened a local cache to rearm the Israeli military (AFP). While Israeli and Palestinian delegations travel to Egypt (Haaretz), a coalition of Arab states effectively aligned with Israel in the current fighting is seen as changing the dynamics of diplomacy (NYT).
    "Over the last three weeks of conflict, Hamas has only burnished its nationalist credentials, established that it cannot be defeated, and that it has a reservoir international support. It is also hard to understand how partnership with Israel will help Abbas after Operation Protective Edge has caused so much damage and killed so many Palestinians. Abbas hates Hamas, but he cannot be seen as a quisling of Jerusalem. All in all, Hamas is in much better shape than it was when its leaders reluctantly sought a lifeline from Abbas and the PA," writes CFR's Steven Cook in the Times of Israel.
    "Immiserating the people of Gaza is not an Israeli or American objective, and we should be open to all sensible ways of ameliorating the awful situation in which they live. We should draw up or applaud generous plans and leave it to Hamas to reject them or make them impossible by refusing to disarm. But those Israeli proposals will not, of course, work, nor will any proposals that require disarming Hamas as a precondition for aid to Gaza," writes CFR's Elliott Abrams in the Weekly Standard.
    "Like the present Israeli government (or, better, its leading members), Hamas doesn't believe in a Palestinian state alongside Israel. These two bitter enemies are actually helping one another. Every rocket that Hamas fires weakens the Israeli left and makes it more difficult for ordinary Israelis to contemplate a withdrawal from the West Bank—since rockets from there could make all of Israel uninhabitable. And every new settlement, every 'price tag' attack on the West Bank, weakens Fatah and the PA and lends credence to Hamas's claim that violence is the only way," writes Michael Walzer in the New Republic.
    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]Explore CFR’s Interactive on the Sunni-Shia Divide
    Sectarian conflict is becoming entrenched in a growing number of Muslim countries. Tensions between Sunnis and Shias could reshape the future Middle East. Click on The Sunni-Shia Divide to learn more.
    China to Revise Household Registration System
    Beijing on Wednesday issued proposals to scrap the household-registration system that ties access to entitlements to whether a person's official residence is urban or rural (SCMP).
    NORTH KOREA: The U.S. Treasury on Wednesday blacklisted two North Korean companies for shipping Cuban weapons to Pyongyang in violation of a UN arms embargo (Miami Herald).
    Kerry Urges Afghan Candidates to Implement Power-Sharing Agreement
    U.S. secretary of state John Kerry urged Afghanistan's presidential contenders to implement the power-sharing deal he brokered to defuse an electoral crisis in an op-ed published in Dari and Pashto on Wednesday (TOLO) amid conflicting reports about the still-secret 'terms of the accord (WaPo).
    INDIA: The United States is "very disappointed" with India's opposition to the World Trade Organization's Doha round, U.S. commerce secretary Penny Pritzker said ahead of meetings at the bilateral strategic dialogue in New Delhi on Thursday (Hindu).
    CFR's Alyssa Ayres explains New Delhi's reticence on the deal.
    Iraqi Militants Prompt Backlash with Destruction of Monuments
    Sunni extremists from the militant group ISIS have begun destroying monuments of Mosul's cultural heritage (NYT), possibly a turning point, galvanizing resistance to their de facto rule (AFP).
    Alarmist reporting contributes to the inflation of perceived threats, writes CFR's Micah Zenko.
    Sierra Leone Declares Ebola Emergency
    Sierra Leone on Wednesday declared a state of emergency, under which its security forces will enforce a quarantine of affected areas, following the lead of Liberia, where schools were closed this week (BBC). President Ernest Bai Koroma and his Liberian counterpart Ellen Sirleaf Johnson said they will pull out of a summit in Washington next week to manage the crisis.
    MOZAMBIQUE: A peace agreement between the Mozambican government and rebel group RENAMO has been unexpectedly delayed (Deutsche Welle). The deal would allow the rebels to contest elections in exchange for disarming.
    Russia Reacts to Newest Sanctions
    Moscow lashed out at the European Union for imposing sectoral sanctions in coordination with the United States, warning that Europe would face higher energy prices (FT). Exemptions in the U.S. and EU sanctions are likely to dampen their short-term impact, however (WSJ).
    CFR's Janine Davidson considers Putin's strategy in Ukraine.
    RUSSIA: The European Court of Human Rights ordered Russia to pay shareholders of the oil firm Yukos $2.6 billion in damages (Reuters) for failing to "strike a fair balance" and charging the company excessive fees. Yukos was once run by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who spent ten years in prison before his release last year.
    Argentina Defaults
    Credit rating agency Standard & Poor's designated Argentina to be in "selective default" after last-minute talks between the government and holdout creditors failed to yield a settlement on Wednesday (FT). The default may worsen an ongoing recession and put pressure on the country's foreign reserves (MercoPress).
    UNITED STATES: A data-processing glitch has hampered the U.S. State Department's ability to issue visas around the globe (WSJ).


    NATO / ACO

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]
    Statement by the Secretary General on the INF Treaty
    30 Jul. 2014
    The United States has briefed the North Atlantic Council on its determination that the Russian Federation is in violation of its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty not to possess, produce, or flight-test a ground-launched cruise missile with a range capability of 500 to 5,500 kilometers, or to possess or produce launchers of such missiles.

    NATO's Shipping Centre - Weekly Piracy Update
    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]30 Jul 2014
    The NATO Shipping Centre (NSC) is the link between NATO naval forces and the merchant shipping community. Permanently manned by NATO, the NSC is the primary point of contact for the exchange of merchant shipping information between NATO's military authorities and the international shipping community.

    Supreme Allied Commander Europe visits Kosovo
    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]31 Jul 2014
    General Breedlove visits KFOR HQ in Pristina, Kosovo where he met with the Commander of Kosovo Force as well as soldiers assigned to the unit.



    30 July 2014[Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]
    INTERPOL joins global call for hope in first World Day against Trafficking in Persons



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    Segurança e Ciências Forenses[Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]
    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]Admissão de Guardas – Guarda Nacional Republicana
    by Segurança e Ciências Forenses
    [ltr]Militar da Guarda é aquele que, satisfazendo as características da condição militar, ingressou nesta força de segurança e a ela se encontra vinculado com carácter de permanência ou nela presta serviço voluntariamente. O ingresso na Guarda faz -se após a conclusão com aproveitamento dos cursos de formação de oficiais ou de guardas, no posto fixado […]
    Ler mais deste artigo[/ltr]


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    [*]UK casts doubt on Harpoon future beyond 2018

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    [*]UK sets out DGP plan for Centre for Maritime Intelligent Systems
    The UK government has outlined plans for a new Centre for Maritime Intelligent Systems (CMIS) as part of its Defence Growth Partnership (DGP) initiative. To be based at Portsdown Technology Park, just outside Portsmouth, the CMIS will initially support the development of an unmanned systems
    [*]USAF strategy seeks more 'agile' acquisitions

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    [*]EU, US impose new sanctions, embargoes on Russia

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    [*]Expanded EU and US sanctions will push Russia into recession and raise retaliation risk against Western firms
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    [*]Fourth known J-20 prototype makes first flight

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    [*]France, Japan deepen defence industrial ties

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