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    Mensagem por ANASP

    Carreira diplomática – regulamento de ingresso

    by Segurança e Ciências Forenses
    [ltr]A diplomacia pode ser definida genericamente[1] como a gestão das relações internacionais pela negociação, ou pelo método através do qual essas relações são ajustadas e geridas pelos embaixadores e enviados, tendo em atenção os interesses dos diversos actores. A arte de defender os interesses nacionais através da troca de informação sustentada entre governos, nações e […]
    Ler mais deste artigo[/ltr]


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    Programa e Inscrições: http://bit.ly/IISeminarioRPAS

    (Lotação limitada à capacidade da sala. Reserve já o seu lugar. Inscrições até dia 24 de março.)

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    Por ocasião do lançamento do nº 30 da revista “Segurança e Defesa”, a Diário de Bordo Editores convida para mais um almoço-debate, no dia 31 de março, pelas 13h00, Palácio da Ordem de Malta (antiga Cooperativa Militar), Rua de São José, nº 24, em Lisboa.
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    Orador convidado
    Almirante Luís Macieira Fragoso
    Chefe do Estado Maior da Armada
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    Valor da inscrição: 25 € ou 20 € (assinantes ou membros do conselho editorial da revista “Segurança e Defesa”).
    É necessário inscrição e confirmação da presença até ao dia 27 de março, para a revista “Segurança e Defesa” através do telefone: 219 833 051 ou do e-mail:geral@diariodebordo.pt.
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    Transculturalidade e psicopatologia - UAL e Católica

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    • Modelo das escolas de referência timorenses deve ser alargado - Ramos-Horta

    • Currículos timorenses preveem 25 minutos de português por semana no 1.º ano

    • Tailandês de 67 anos condenado a 18 meses de prisão por grafiti sobre o rei

    • Mais de um terço dos estudantes universitários de Macau é proveniente do exterior

    • Murong Xuecun. Escritor chinês crítico do regime diz-se preparado para a prisão





    • São Tomé e Príncipe. A ESCOLA É O FUTURO





    • Portugal - Prémios. Gestores da EDP viram 'salários' aumentar quase para o dobro



    • Vidas Negras Importam - Dia Internacional para a Eliminação da Discriminação Racial


    Putin quer criar moeda única na União Económica Eurasiática
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    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]Kiev e rebeldes pró-russos acusam-se mutuamente de violar o cessar-fogo
    Iémen: Conselho de Segurança da ONU condena ações dos huthi e ameaça “tomar medidas suplementares”


    Célula que preparava assassinatos de políticos e no Marrocos é desmantelada
    Rabat, 22 mar (EFE).- A polícia marroquina desmantelou uma célula terrorista presente em nove cidades do país que tinha jurado lealdade ao ...


    Comandante dos Marines apela a membros da força para estarem "vigilantes" depois de ameaça ...
    O comandante dos Marines norte-americanos apelou hoje ao seu pessoal para estar "vigilante", depois da publicação de uma lista de 100 militares ...

    Embaixador russo ameaça Dinamarca


    A Rússia se opõe ao escudo antimísseis da Otan, lançado em 2010 e que deverá estar totalmente operacional em 2025. O objetivo é implantar interceptadores de mísseis e radares no Mediterrâneo, Polônia e Romênia. A Dinamarca ... As relações entre a ...

    Rússia pede a Alemanha e França que mantenham paz
    Conflito na Ucrânia continua a causar vítimas, apesar do cessar-fogo acordado na Cimeira de Minsk, em fevereiro. A Rússia pede à Europa para que Kiev não incite a violência no leste da Ucrânia.

    Cronologia: da invasão ao Estado Islâmico

    Esquerda -‎

    outubro - O relatório “National Intelligence Estimate” (Avaliação Nacional de Inteligência), elaborado pelos serviços secretos norte americanos, refere aquisições iraquianas de urânio na Nigéria. 8 de novembro - O Conselho de Segurança da ONU aprova ...

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    CIA avisa Irão das consequências em insistir no armamento nuclear

    Caught on Tape – SEC Director Grovels for a Private Equity Job for His Teenage Son While Speaking on Panel
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The following video clip will make you extremely sick to your stomach. Not that we didn’t already know the U.S. economy is nothing more than a rigged oligarch shell of its former self, but to see SEC Director of the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations, Andrew Bowden, grovel for a job for his son in front of a private equity industry audience certainly represents a new low.
    The Air Force Says It Might Have To Protect Money Laundering in Space
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Burgeoning US space monitoring capabilities may one day be used to protect off-planet money launderers from Chinese rockets. But putting digital money into space-based data centers not only puts it out of reach from thieves, it’s also out of jurisdiction from law enforcement. In other words, the Air Force could one day soon be on the hook to protect a hive of money laundering in space. Bitcoin data servers in space sounds like a random mashup of tech buzzwords. In fact, it’s a real business model. Bitcoins are encrypted digital currency tokens. Jeff Garzik, one of only five people on the planet responsible for maintaining the bitcoin codebase and founder of the space startup Dunvegan Space Systems, or DSS, announced this month that his company had partnered with Deep Space Industries to acquire craft to ferry 24 small satellites into space.
    The Neo-Con Attempt to Rewrite the History of World War II
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    After the fall of the Soviet Union, former U.S. president and one-time Cold Warrior Richard Nixon devoted the last few remaining years of his life to ensuring that Russia found its proper place in the international community. Nixon advised then-president Bill Clinton on the proper way to deal with the Russian Federation, the internationally-recognized successor state to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
    Rhinos with poison-infused horns are roaming the bush in South Africa, frightening away poachers
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Rhinos with poison-infused horns are roaming the bush in South Africa, frightening away poachers who don’t want sell a toxic product to their clients in Asia. At least that’s what Lorina Hern hopes. Hern, the co-founder of the Rhino Rescue Project, has spent the last four years “devaluing” the horns of rhinos by infusing them with ectoparasiticides — or anti-parasite drugs — and pink dye. The dye isn't visble on the outside, and the ectoparasiticides are harmless to the rhinos when injected into their horns. But humans who handle or consume the horns may not be so lucky.
    Russian Crimea: One Year Later
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    In 2001, NATO invaded and began the occupation of the South-Central Asian country of Afghanistan. The invasion and occupation has left tens of thousands dead, many more displaced, and has resulted in continued chaos and violence up until and including present day. Throughout the conflict, revelations of abuses, mass murder, and other atrocities including systematic torture have been exposed, perpetrated by invading NATO forces and their Afghan collaborators.
    Crimeans Keep Saying No to Ukraine
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    A central piece of the West’s false narrative on the Ukraine crisis has been that Russian President Vladimir Putin “invaded” Crimea and then staged a “sham” referendum purporting to show 96 percent support for leaving Ukraine and rejoining Russia. More recently, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland claimed that Putin has subjected Crimea to a “reign of terror.”
    Michelle O Proposes Weighing Children in Daycare
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    In accordance with Michelle Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA), the Department of Agriculture published a proposal aimed at collecting weight measurements of children in daycare, as well as what they are eating and their level of physical activity while at home and under others’ care. The title of the study is SNAQCS (think “snacks”) — Study on Nutrition and Wellness Quality in Childcare Settings. 
    Lagarde says IMF to co-operate with China-led AIIB bank
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde has said the IMF would be "delighted" to co-operate with the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The AIIB has more than 30 members and is envisaged as a development bank similar to the World Bank. Mrs Lagarde said there was "massive" room for IMF co-operation with the AIIB on infrastructure financing.
    The New Order Emerges
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    China and Russia have taken the lead in establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), seen as a rival organisation to the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, which are dominated by the United States with Europe and Japan. These banks do business at the behest of the old Bretton Woods order. The AIIB will dance to China and Russia's tune instead.
    Child abuse scandal: Did a botched blackmail attempt by South African intelligence help Cyril Smith escape justice?
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    A botched attempt by South African intelligence to blackmail Cyril Smith over his sexual abuse of boys may have helped the politician escape justice. British police became aware of the plot in the mid-1970s while questioning a man over an art theft. He was subsequently convicted for possession of stolen goods.
    VIDEO: Florida Cop Tries to Crush Biker on Freeway, Then Tries to Flee
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Tampa, FL — A video uploaded to YouTube Saturday allegedly shows a Florida police officer in an unmarked car attempting a deadly maneuver to stop a motorcycle driver. The YouTube poster names the officer as Sgt. Spencer Ross and claims he has a history of chasing motorcycles. The video is taken by a man who is following the officer and recording. As the man filming catches up to the unmarked Monte Carlo, the cop attempts to pin the motorcycle driver against the shoulder barrier.
    War Games: Russia Threatens Denmark, NATO Intercepts Russian Jets, NATO Launches Drills on Russian Border
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Destabilizing war drill exercises from both NATO and Russia are the order of the day. The more the drills, the more like one side or the other is going to make a major mistake. Russia Threatens Denmark In addition to the drills which we will discuss momentarily, the Financial Times reports Russia delivers nuclear warning to Denmark.
    VIDEO: Taking the F 015 Mercedes’s Self-Driving Car for a Spin
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    A sneak peek inside the Mercedes F 015 concept car, the company’s vision of a driverless future. The design turns the car into a shared social space where any passenger can interact with the vehicle.
    Ukraine's 'Ministry of Truth' Wants 15-Year Prison Terms for Journalists
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Ukraine's Minister of Information Policy announced that he seeks eight to 15 year prison terms for employees of Donetsk and Luhansk television stations. Ukraine's Minister of Information Policy, Yuri Stets, said in an interview to Radio Liberty that he wants people who work for local television in Donetsk and Luhansk to serve eight to 15 years in prison. "I think that it's effective enough for law enforcement to work there so that people who worked for the channels of the so-called LPR [Luhansk People's Republic] and DPR [Donetsk People's Republic] got the following sentences: eight to 15 years."
    NSA Whistleblower Has Questions About World Trade Center Building 7
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    In a series of recent interviews, NSA whistleblower William Edward Binney has come forward with his doubts about the official 9/11 story. Binney is a former intelligence official with the NSA who became a whistleblower back in 2001, revealing the extent of the US government’s spy operations on American citizens.
    New System for Police to “Detect Gunshots” is Also Recording Your Private Conversations
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    It’s been almost a week since New York Police Department deployed a new ShotSpotter gunshot detection system. However, the innovation has raised privacy concerns among New Yorkers while tracking loud bangs, the system records private conversations.
    Leaked Document Reveals Upcoming Biometric Experiments at US Customs
    Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    “The public should take notice,” Sethi, of the ACLU, told Motherboard. “These programs may be coming to a theater near you.” The ​facial recognition pilot program launched last week by US Customs and Border Protection, which civil liberties advocates say could lead to new potentially privacy-invading programs, is just the first of three biometric experiments that the feds are getting ready to launch.
    The NSA's plan: improve cybersecurity by hacking everyone else
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The National Security Agency want to be able to hack more people, vacuum up even more of your internet records and have the keys to tech companies’ encryption – and, after 18 months of embarrassing inaction from Congress on surveillance reform, the NSA is now lobbying it for more powers, not less. NSA director Mike Rogers testified in front of a Senate committee this week, lamenting that the poor ol’ NSA just doesn’t have the “cyber-offensive” capabilities (read: the ability to hack people) it needs to adequately defend the US. How cyber-attacking countries will help cyber-defense is anybody’s guess, but the idea that the NSA is somehow hamstrung is absurd.
    NATO Launches "Wide-Scale" War Games Near Russian Border, Creates "Line Of Troops"
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Washington looks to be throwing more than the full faith and credit of the US government behind Ukraine. On the heels of news that the US is set to guarantee a Ukrainian international bond issue (while Greek pensioners implicitly subsidize the country’s natural gas exports), NATO is in the midst of conducting large scale military maneuvers along the Russian border in a move Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says encourages “Kiev to pursue a military solution.” Over the course of 10 days, NATO will parade 120 combat vehicles across the region in an effort to prove how quickly the West can confront perceived Russian aggression.
    Rich Man’s Bank Hit by Bank Run, Collapse, “Bail-In”
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    In Europe nary a day seems to go by without some mention or rumor of a bank run or bank closure. Ground Zero of the current troubles is Greece, whose broken financial system is now wholly dependent on regular infusions of euros from the ECB. The moment those infusions stop – something the ECB has warned could happen at any time – the country’s banking system collapses. On Wednesday Greek banks saw deposit outflows of €300 million, the highest in a single day since a February deal with the euro zone that staved off a banking collapse.
    Chaos In the Mediterranean: How Humanitarian Hawks and Mainstream Media Misled the World On Libya
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Libya’s recently established ISIS affiliate released a video last month showing their execution of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians near the coastal city of Sirte. The massacre prompted immediate and justified condemnation from governments around the world. But missing from most of the coverage was the fact that Sirte was the hometown of deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, and was practically destroyed by NATO air-strikes and a rebel offensive in the last days the 2011 Libyan intervention.
    Justice Department Rolls Out An Early Form Of Capital Controls In America
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Something stunning took place earlier this week, and it quietly snuck by, unnoticed by anyone as the "all important" FOMC meeting was looming. That something could have been taken straight out of the playbook of either Cyprus, or Greece, or the USSR "evil empire", or all three.
    Why Do American Weapons End Up in Our Enemies’ Hands?
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Someday out of necessity we will be forced to consider a policy that the Founders advocated
    US Taxpayers To Fund Ukraine Bailout With Bond Guarantee
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The Republic of Ukraine has sent out a request for proposals (RFP) to banks for a new US government-guaranteed bond, according to three sources. This is the second time the US government has thrown its financial backing behind a Ukrainian international bond issue. In May 2014, the US guaranteed a US$1bn Ukrainian bond maturing in 2019 through the US Agency for International development.
    Reports: U.S. forces evacuating Yemen air base
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    U.S. troops were evacuating a southern Yemen air base Saturday after al-Qaeda seized a nearby town amid growing violence in the war-torn nation, multiple media outlets reported. Military forces, including Special Forces commandoes, were leaving the Al Anad air base near the southern city of al-Houta, the Associated Press and CNN reported citing unnamed officials. About 100 American troops and Special Forces members are stationed there.
    Machete-wielding suspect in New Orleans airport attack was carrying bag with 6 Molotov cocktails, officials say
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The machete-wielding man who attacked two Transportation Security Agency workers at a New Orleans airport and was carrying a bag holding six Molotov cocktails has died, officials said. Richard White, 63, was pronounced dead Saturday afternoon, according to officials.
    French gov preparing to outlaw ‘conspiracy theories’
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    In addition to its new law against ‘condoning terrorism,’ the French regime also plans to outlaw ‘conspiracy theories’ and prevent French citizens from accessing websites deemed conspiratorial. On Jan. 27 France’s President Francois Hollande told a Jewish-Zionist audience at a Holocaust Memorial ceremony
    A Family Business of Perpetual War
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Neoconservative pundit Robert Kagan and his wife, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, run a remarkable family business: she has sparked a hot war in Ukraine and helped launch Cold War II with Russia – and he steps in to demand that Congress jack up military spending so America can meet these new security threats. This extraordinary husband-and-wife duo makes quite a one-two punch for the Military-Industrial Complex, an inside-outside team that creates the need for more military spending, applies political pressure to ensure higher appropriations, and watches as thankful weapons manufacturers lavish grants on like-minded hawkish Washington think tanks.
    Media Wars: Ukraine bans Euronews
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    While EU leaders discuss how to counter Russian propaganda, a pro-Moscow Ukrainian oligarch bought the Ukrainian service of Euronews, and Kyiv decided to revoke its broadcasting license. The European Union is set to launch its first operation in a media war with Russia, within days of EU leaders approving the campaign at a summit yesterday (19 March).
    Switzerland, Luxembourg apply for China-led infrastructure bank
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Earlier in March, the EU’s leading economies – the UK, France and Germany –announced plans to participate in the new international financial institution. China's Finance Ministry released a statement on Friday saying it welcomes the Swiss decision to apply. Switzerland is to become the bank’s founding member later this month if other nation members involved approve its candidacy.
    Researchers Uncover Way to Hack BIOS and Undermine Secure Operating Systems
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The ability to hack the BIOS chip at the heart of every computer is no longer reserved for the NSA and other three-letter agencies. Millions of machines contain basic BIOS vulnerabilities that let anyone with moderately sophisticated hacking skills compromise and control a system surreptitiously, according to two researchers. The revelation comes two years after a catalogue of NSA spy tools leaked to journalists in Germany surprised everyone with its talk about the NSA’s efforts to infect BIOS firmware with malicious implants.
    Big Bank’s Analyst Worries That Iran Deal Could Depress Weapons Sales
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Could a deal to normalize Western relations with Iran and set limits on Iran’s development of nuclear technology lead to a more peaceful and less-weaponized Middle East? That’s what supporters of the Iran negotiations certainly hope to achieve. But the prospect of stability has at least one financial analyst concerned about its impact on one of the world’s biggest defense contractors.
    How the Common Market of the South and the Eurasian Union defy the United States
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The economic containment strategies against Moscow and Caracas stimulated by Washington hasted the reconfiguration of alliances in the world system. Although Russia is geographically located in the northern hemisphere, its diplomatic agenda shows more connection to that of emerging economies. The same is happening in Latin American countries. According to the Russian chancellor, Serguey Lavrov, Latin America is called on to become a centrepiece in the development of a multipolar world order.
    Petition to Acquit Man for Killing Cop During Unjust No-Knock Raid Goes Viral
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    On Friday, May 9, 2014, just after 5:30am in Killeen, Texas, Marvin Louis Guy was the target of a no-knock raid. The officers were looking for drugs, yet no drugs were found in the home. Detective Dinwiddie was one of the SWAT officers who broke into Guy’s house on May 9th, based on a seemingly bogus informant tip off about drugs being dealt from the home.
    Venezuelans Bomb Twitter with Anti-Obama Hashtag
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    On Wednesday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced a nationwide petition to gather signatures asking for the rejection of the U.S. executive order. A statement on the presidential website claimed that 1,377,595 signatures had been gathered in the first day of the campaign at locations around the country, with messages of support allegedly pouring in from friends in 97 countries around the world. The campaign was mirrored by a slightly less well-attended online petition, which has gathered close to 14,000 signatures under the slogan “Obama, Venezuela is not a threat!”.
    9 Spectacular Archaeological Finds Not Found In History Books
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Some of the most intriguing archaeological finds in history are rarely mentioned in history books. For instance, have a look at the following amazing discoveries.
    9,000 Chinese Paid At Least $500,000 Last Year To Live In The US
    Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Every year, about more than 9.2 million people from around the world enter America’s Green Card lottery. If they are one of about 50,000 names picked at random, they get a free pass to legally resettle in the U.S. But there’s also another way to get the doors to the U.S. to open: cough up half-a-million dollars. And the Chinese are taking full advantage of it.
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