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Fórum Oficial da ANASP

Bem-vindo ao Fórum Oficial da ANASP, Fundada em 2009 | Associação Nacional Agentes Segurança Privada | Portugal

ANASP - Associação Nacional Agentes Segurança Privada


Sede: Urbanização Caliço, Lote P10, Frente A, 8200 Albufeira (ao lado terminal autocarros Albufeira)
Delegação Faro: Rua Libânio Martins, nº14, Fração B na União de Freguesias da Sé e São Pedro.

Delegação Lisboa:  Rua Abranches Ferrão Nº 13, 1º, 1600-296 Lisboa (Em frente à Loja do Cidadão das Laranjeiras)

Delegação Braga: Rua Dr. Francisco Duarte, 75/125, 1º, Sala 23, C.C. Sotto Mayor – 4715-017 Braga

 (ao lado Segurança Social de Braga, contactar Dra. Eva Mendes)

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Horário de atendimento: Segunda a Sexta: 09h/12h - 14h/17h

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Email: geral.anasp@gmail.com

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» ofertas emprego
ANASP_Newsletter 07 a 09.03.2015 EmptySex 31 Jul 2015, 14:34 por ANASP

» ofertas emprego
ANASP_Newsletter 07 a 09.03.2015 EmptySex 31 Jul 2015, 14:31 por ANASP

» Ofertas emprego
ANASP_Newsletter 07 a 09.03.2015 EmptySex 31 Jul 2015, 14:28 por ANASP

» Ofertas de Emprego Segurança Privada
ANASP_Newsletter 07 a 09.03.2015 EmptySex 31 Jul 2015, 13:54 por ANASP

» (2)ANASP_Newsletter_23julho
ANASP_Newsletter 07 a 09.03.2015 EmptyQui 23 Jul 2015, 14:23 por ANASP

» ANASP_Newsletter_23julho
ANASP_Newsletter 07 a 09.03.2015 EmptyQui 23 Jul 2015, 14:16 por ANASP

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ANASP_Newsletter 07 a 09.03.2015 EmptyQui 16 Jul 2015, 14:43 por ANASP

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ANASP_Newsletter 07 a 09.03.2015 EmptyQui 16 Jul 2015, 14:10 por ANASP

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ANASP_Newsletter 07 a 09.03.2015 EmptyQua 15 Jul 2015, 13:58 por ANASP


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    ANASP_Newsletter 07 a 09.03.2015


    Mensagens : 3215
    Reputação : 61
    Data de inscrição : 17/07/2009
    Idade : 44
    Localização : Portugal

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    Mensagem por ANASP

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    "Operação Nasar"
    Detenção de suspeito de homicídio e apreensão de produto estupefaciente>>
    2015-03-09 | 11:46

    09 março 2015
    Nota à Comunicação Social - Busca a escritório de contabilidade em Lisboa
    Apreensão de documentação comprovativa de atividade criminosa ligada ao auxílio à imigração ilegal e à falsificação de documentos

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link] colspan="2">PSP PORTO
    Apreensão de mais de 700 artigos contrafeitos e armas proibidas na Feira da Vandoma O Dispositivo da Polícia de Segurança Pública do Comando Metropolitano do Porto, no período compreendido entre as 08H30 e as 14H30, do dia 07 de março, realizou mais uma operação policial que teve como objectivo a prevenção e combate à criminalidade de forma a promover o sentimento de segurança junto dos cidadãos.
    Da presente operação de prevenção criminal desenvolvida na Feira da Vandoma no Porto, através do efetivo da 1.ª Divisão Policial e da Força Destacada da Unidade Especial de Polícia, resultou:
    • 14 indivíduos, sendo 05 por posse de armas proibidas e 09 por contrafacção e usurpação de direitos de autor.

    • 17 indivíduos no âmbito do combate à posse de armas proibidas e contrafacção e usurpação de direitos de autor.

    • 01 ANCO por posse de armas proibidas.

    • 01 arma eléctrica dissimulada de lanterna;
    • 06 armas brancas;
    • 02 matracas;
    • 01 bastão em madeira;
    • 684 DVD’S;
    • 20 CD’S.

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    Cerca de 20 militares portugueses estavam no local do atentado no Mali
    SIC Notícias
    Cerca de 20 militares portugueses, que integram a força da ONU no Mali, estavam no restaurante, alvo do ataque que fez cinco mortos e nove feridos ...

    Diário Digital

    Militares portugueses assistem a atentado no Mali
    Correio da Manhã
    Um grupo de militares portugueses estava no restaurante da capital do Mali ... dirigidos contra as forças de paz podem constituir crimes de guerra.
    “Houve medo de criar uma segunda PIDE”
    Correio da Manhã
    O livro traça um retrato dos serviços secretos portugueses em que existe um serviço .... Não houve até agora nenhum atentado terrorista em Portugal.
    Militar paraplégica recebe 220 mil euros
    Correio da Manhã
    Um acidente de viação entre Évora e Alcáçovas, a 29 de março de 2005, deixou uma jovem militar da GNR paraplégica, aos 25 anos. Pertencia à ...

    Jornal SOL

    Exército em exercício militar na Lituânia
    Jornal SOL
    O Exército vai participar num exercício militar na Lituânia durante quatro meses, e a partir de Abril, sendo a primeira vez que as Forças Armadas ...


    DR - I série

    Ministério das Finanças
    Decreto-Lei n.º 36/2015:
    Estabelece as normas de execução do Orçamento do Estado para 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1441


    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 visits Bulgarian Port
    9 MAR 2015


    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]15 April 2015 - 17 April 2015 | Singapore [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

    22nd Asian Regional Conference

    Recognizing the value of bringing together police within a region to share experiences and tackle common crime issues, INTERPOL convenes regular regional conferences for Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe.

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]14 April 2015 - 16 April 2015 | Singapore [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

    INTERPOL World

    With technological advancements occurring at an unprecedented scale, the world is now confronted with a host of new border-related crime threats that are increasingly complex and intertwined. This cross-sector event will drive security initiatives in four key areas: cybersecurity, safe cities, border management and supply chain security.

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]24 March 2015 - 26 March 2015 | Lyon, France [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

    11th Annual Heads of NCB Conference

    This conference provides a unique opportunity for senior police officers to discuss issues on a global level.The event brings together the Heads of INTERPOL’s National Central Bureaus from around the world to share information, exchange ideas and best practices and be updated on the latest activities and new resources of the Organization. Round table wor...


    Regulamento de Uniformes do Pessoal da Carreira Florestal – GNR

    by Segurança e Ciências Forenses
    [ltr]O pessoal do Corpo Nacional da Guarda Florestal da Direção-Geral dos Recursos Florestais foi integrado na Guarda Nacional Republicana em 2006[1], para reforçar a capacidade desta força de segurança na vigilância e fiscalização do território nacional. Nessa altura ficou assente que o Ministro da Administração Interna, ouvido o comandante-geral, definiria, por portaria, as alterações ao […]
    Ler mais deste artigo[/ltr]

    Projeto do estatuto profissional da PSP

    by Segurança e Ciências Forenses
    [ltr]No passado dia 6 de março, a Ministra da Administração Interna reuniu-se com  com todos os sindicatos da Polícia de Segurança Pública, para apresentar as alterações ao estatuto profissional da PSP. Trata-se de uma questão que se já se vinha arrastando desde há algum tempo, à semelhança daquilo que acontece com as Forças Armadas e […]
    Ler mais deste artigo[/ltr]

    Presidente da Comissão Europeia defende criação de exército europeu

    O Presidente da Comissão Europeia, Jean-Claude Juncker, pronunciou-se hoje a favor da criação de um exército europeu, considerando que isso contribuiria para desenhar uma política externa e de segurança comuns perante países como a Rússia.

    "Não é um exército para mobilizar de imediato, mas um exército comum dos europeus serviria para demonstrar à Rússia que nós tomamos a sério a defesa dos valores da União Europeia", afirmou Juncker numa entrevista que é publicada hoje no semanário alemão 'Welt am Sonntag'.

    De acordo com o presidente da Comissão, o exército contribuiria assim para o desenho de "uma política externa e de segurança comum e para dar resposta de forma conjunta às responsabilidades da Europa no mundo", mas sem representar uma concorrência com a NATO.

    A ministra da Defesa da Alemanha, Ursula von der Leyen, também já se tinha pronunciado a favor desta ideia em Fevereiro, admitindo que não seria, ainda assim, para implementar a curto prazo.

    Da mesma maneira que está convencida que não serão os seus filhos, mas sim os seus netos, a viver nuns Estados Unidos da Europa, a ministra sublinhou então o objectivo de criar umas forças armadas europeias.

    As declarações de Juncker tiveram já uma reacção de um deputado russo, que classificou esta ideia de "paranóia".

    "Estamos perante uma versão europeia de paranóia: declarar a necessidade de criar um exército unido para fazer frente à Rússia, que não tem o propósito de estar em guerra com ninguém", escreveu o deputado Leonid Slutski, presidente da comissão parlamentar para os Assuntos da Comunidade de Estados Independentes, na sua conta na rede social Twitter. (DN)

    "Ao Ritmo do Guia,Memórias de um curso de Pára-Quedismo Militar"

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    Igualdade - Supremo confirma autorização para instalar cadeira elevatória, contra vontade do condomínio

    [size=32]Supremo confirma autorização para instalar cadeira elevatória contra vontade do condomínio[/size]
    07/03/2015 - 08:19

    Juízes consideram que, ao recusarem a instalação da cadeira que facilita a locomoção de um morador idoso, os condóminos estão a praticar uma "discriminação indirecta".
    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]notícia: http://www.publico.pt/local/noticia/supremo-confirma-autorizacao-para-instalar-cadeira-elevatoria-contra-vontade-do-condominio-1688318 

    La irracionalidad en el derecho Penal

    This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now


    A SEMANA PASSADA (M1806 - 13AL/2015)

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    A semana passada fica marcada pela entrega à Esquadra 751 - Pumas do Sikorsky Humanitarian Service Award, por parte Helicopter Aviation International (HAI), que ocorreu nos Estados Unidos. É mais um importante reconhecimento internacional para as missões de incomensurável alcance humanitário que a Esquadra 751 e os seus Homens levam a cabo, não raramente no limite e para além dele do seu próprio esforço e das suas máquinas - antes o SA 330 Puma e no presente o EH101, numa enorme área de oceano. Parabéns! Obrigado! É um orgulho! Decorreu, também, a segunda e última semana do exercício multinacional Real Thaw 2015, que terminou no...
    Ler mais»


    Dois jovens detidos no aeroporto e mais um “jihadista” identificado preocupam Austrália
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    Divulgadas as imagens dos dois jovens australianos detidos no aeroporto de Sydney sob suspeita de quererem juntar-se ao grupo Estado Islâmico. Um…

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]Navios da NATO chegam ao Mar Negro para exercícios conjuntos

    The Eurozone's quantitative easing programme is about to start – here's what you need to know
    Posted: 08 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Tomorrow is the launch of the Eurozone's long-awaited quantitative easing programme, as the European Central Bank (ECB) starts buying back €1trn (£720bn) worth of bonds from the bloc's member states. The scheme, which aims to boost Europe's economy, was finalised on Thursday, with ECB President Mario Draghi citing the success of similar programmes launched by the Bank of England and US Federal Reserve six years ago.
    Greece to hire tourists to spy on tax evaders
    Posted: 08 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The new government in Greece could hire tourists and housewives to spy on tax evaders, according to a document that was apparently leaked.
    The Germans want an EU army, but Britain is against it
    Posted: 08 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Jean-Claude Junker has called for the creation of an EU army, saying it would help the bloc be taken more seriously across the world. The President of the European Commission believes it will deter threats from Russia, which have escalated since the start of the Ukraine crisis.
    Venezuela installs finger scanners in supermarkets
    Posted: 08 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Venezuela is due to begin installing about 20,000 fingerprint scanners at supermarkets across the country. President Nicolas Maduro said the rationing system would reduce food hoarding and panic buying.
    Saudi Arabia Becomes Top Arms Importer
    Posted: 08 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Saudi Arabia overtook India in 2014 as the world's biggest importer of defense equipment, fueled by tensions in the Middle East, according to a study published Sunday by respected analysts IHS Jane's. Global defense trade currently stands at $64.4 billion, said the report from the London-based defense specialists.
    Nearly 15,000 MN turkeys die in avian flu episode; four workers being monitored
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    A strain of lethal avian flu is now being blamed for the deaths of nearly 15,000 turkeys in Pope County, and officials are moving quickly in an attempt to keep it in check. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture said Thursday that only workers handling the birds, all from the same commercial flock, are at risk of infection. Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) reports that four workers who had direct contact with the infected birds are being monitored by MDH for respiratory illnesses. The workers say that the birds started dying around Feb. 26.
    Snowbirds' guide to avoiding corrupt cops on I-75
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    My parents just got back from a road-trip from Toronto to Florida, and used Dave Hunter's venerable Along Interstate-75 to find food and lodgings, pass the hours, and beat the speed-traps and civil forfeiture nightmares of America's great roadways.
    Vet Facing Life Sentence Found Not Guilty for Aiming Pistol at Cops Who Failed to Identify as Cops
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Polish Military to Instruct Ukrainian Troops Under NATO Program
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Polish Military to Instruct Ukrainian Troops Under NATO Program The Polish military will provide training to Ukrainian troops as part of the NATO program, Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna said Thursday. “It’s a training mission. Within its framework Polish officers will train officers and junior ranks of the Ukrainian Army,” Schetyna said at a press briefing in Berlin.
    NJ Mayor Cheers End to Town’s ’Mass Medication’ Through Fluoridated Water
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    City officials agreed to end water fluoridation in a New Jersey town after the mayor spoke out against the practice. “The township will end its mass medication of the public by ending the use of fluoride in the water system,” said David Stahl, mayor of East Brunswick, last month during his state of the township address.
    The sinister treatment of dissent at the BBC: Savile whistleblowers see careers nosedive
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Nobody from John Humphrys in the morning to Evan Davis at night dares mention a scandal at the BBC. It undermines their reporting of every abuse whistleblowers reveal. It reinforces the dirty common sense of British life that you must keep your head down if you want to keep your job.
    Holy Spirit Hospital to Begin Testing for nicotine as part of their routine drug screening program
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Beginning April 1, Holy Spirit Hospital will no longer hire people who use tobacco products. All applicants, including those seeking full and part-time positions, flex, volunteers and students will be tested for nicotine as part of the hospital’s routine drug screening.
    DEA operates a 'Central Tracking System' through which "all DEA assets...and targets" are monitored
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Apparently the Drug Enforcement Administration operates a 'Central Tracking System' through which "all DEA assets and investigative targets" are monitored in real time and historically.
    Germany Has Had Enough With US Neocons: Berlin “Stunned” At US Desire For War In Ukraine
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    While Russia’s envoy to NATO notes that statements by the deputy head of NATO testify to the fact that the leaders of the bloc want to intervene in Russia’s internal politics, and are “dreaming of Russian Maidan,” Washington has a bigger problem… Germany. As Der Spiegel reports, while US President Obama ‘supports’ Chancellor Merkel’s efforts at finding a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis, hawks in Washington seem determined to torpedo Berlin’s approach. And NATO’s top commander in Europe hasn’t been helping either with sources in the Chancellery have referred to Breedlove’s comments as “dangerous propaganda.”
    FBI plans to expand Guardian system to include 'Top Secret' information, link up with 'Sentinel' system
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    The FBI's network for sharing so-called 'suspicious activity' information within the Bureau and with the Department of Defense is called Guardian. FBI maintains a separate system for state and local law enforcement suspicious activity reports called eGuardian. According to a February 2015 request for information posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the FBI plans to expand its Guardian system in 2015 to include 'Top Secret' information, and integrate its case management system (called 'Sentinel') with the Guardian applications.
    SWAT Team Shows Up To Elementary School to Promote Police State USA
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    The officers weren’t there to raid the school or arrest anyone, but they certainly looked like they were going to so. The SWAT officers were all carrying high-powered weapons and wearing paramilitary gear as if they were about to raid a terrorist organization. The police proudly bragged about the event on their Facebook page, posting a number of pictures with fully-clad SWAT members standing on a stage in front of small children.
    It Appears “Bibi” Is Far More Popular With Crazy American Neocons Than He Is With His Own Fellow Citizens
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    While Neocons and Neolibs fawned over Netanyahu as if he were president of the United States, Israelis are not so pleased with Bibi. Up to 30,000 Israelis filled the streets of Tel Aviv in an anti-Netanyahu rally.
    A Europe-U.S. Divorce Over Ukraine
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    The German government finally wakes up, a little bit at least, and recognizes the obvious fact that U.S. neocons want to drag Europe into a war. It is now openly blaming certain circles within the U.S. government and NATO of sabotaging the Minsk ceasefire agreement. Especially offensive is the fantasy talk of U.S. and NATO commander General Breedlove
    Suspect in Russian Politician’s Killing Blows Himself Up, Report Says
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    A suspect in the murder of the opposition politician Boris Y. Nemtsov blew himself up as the police closed in on him overnight, Russian news reports said on Sunday, while new disclosures indicated that one of the men already detained in the killing had served as a police officer in the fight against Islamic insurgents. Five suspects were due to be arraigned at Basmanny District Court in Moscow, Vladimir Markin, a spokesman for Russia’s Investigative Committee, said in a statement. Security forces established a cordon around the court.
    US-backed Afghanistan officials sanctioned murder, torture and rape, says report
    Posted: 07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    A grim account of deaths, robbery, rapes and extrajudicial killings, Today We Shall All Die, details a culture of impunity that the rights group says flourished after the fall of the Taliban, driven by the desire for immediate control of security at almost any price.

    Up to 30,000 Fill the Streets of Tel Aviv in Anti-Netanyahu Rally
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Only a few days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned from his much publicized United States trip, during which he was celebrated and drooled over by America’s top warmongers, a large protest against him erupted in the nation’s section largest city, Tel Aviv.
    Improving the estimate of US police killings
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Patrick Ball and the Human Rights Data Analysis Group applied the same statistical rigor that he uses in estimating the scale of atrocities and genocides for Truth and Reconciliation panels in countries like Syria and Guatemala to the problem of estimating killing by US cops, and came up with horrific conclusions. Ball was responding to a set of new estimates of death-by-cop produced by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the HRDAG provided a critique of the BJS's methods to show that they were significantly undercounting the bodies.
    99 Percent Certainty Hormone-Altering Chemicals Cause Serious Health Problems
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals is likely leading to an increased risk of serious health problems costing at least $175 billion (U.S.) per year in Europe alone, according to a study published Thursday.  Chemicals that can mimic or block estrogen or other hormones are commonly found in thousands of products around the world, including plastics, pesticides, furniture, and cosmetics.
    NYPD Says Innocent, Unarmed People Shot By Cops Are ‘Walking Into Police Bullets’
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    New York Police Department official Zachary Tumin has been placed in charge of the NYPD’s social media p̶r̶e̶s̶e̶n̶c̶e̶ propaganda. But the Deputy Commissioner doesn’t seem to be helping things for the infamously militarized police department that former Mayor Bloomberg rightly termed a “private army.” Recently, Tumin gave the world a glimpse into the warped psyche of police brutality. He tweeted that innocent people shot by cops have “gone off their meds” and are “walking into police bullets.”
    A New Kind of Mental Disturbance? Drone Pilots Are Quitting in Droves
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    The U.S. drone war across much of the Greater Middle East and parts of Africa is in crisis and not because civilians are dying or the target list for that war or the right to wage it just about anywhere on the planet are in question in Washington. Something far more basic is at stake: drone pilots are quitting in record numbers.
    New Study: Endocrine Disruptors in These 6 Products Causes Obesity & Lowered IQ
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Researchers from New York University (NYU) have published a study showing how endocrine disrupting elements found in common chemicals and pesticides “could be disrupting hormones resulting in health costs of up to €157 billion ($209 billion) across Europe.” Thomas Zoeller, biology professor at the University of Massachusetts (UM), told the press : “I hear often this concept that if there isn’t overt toxicity, you don’t have a problem. The effects of EDCs on the population level are not consistent with overt toxicity like death or cancer. A decrease in IQ is not something that’s visible on the surface, but you are taking away human potential.”
    Former German Spy: Ukraine War is US revenge on Russia for Syria
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Ukrainians are being killed in a civil war not because Russia is on the march to Kiev, but because the U.S. has a grudge against Putin for his interference in Syria which saved it from falling completely into the hands of genocidal ISIS terrorists.
    What we might learn in US v. Tsarnaev—and what we probably won't
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Did the FBI try to cultivate Tamerlan Tsarnaev as an informant back in 2011, before the Waltham murders? If not, why not, as Senator Chuck Grassley asked FBI Director James Comey in October 2013? Why didn't the FBI recognize Tamleran in images it found of the brothers in the aftermath of the bombings? After all, the FBI office in Boston investigated Tamerlan on suspicion of terrorism for at least three months in early 2011.
    VIDEO: How ADHD Is Linked To A Failing Education System
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Robinson believes that ADHD is a by-product of this chaos, pointing out that the condition “has risen in parallel with the growth of standardized testing”. He questions whether the children who are being prescribed Ritalin to calm them down aren’t simply being anesthetized instead, adding that a focus on the arts (being present and fully alive) would be a much better solution to the problem of boredom and fidgeting in class. “Anesthetics shut your senses off and deaden them,” says Robinson. “We shouldn’t be putting [children] to sleep; we should be waking them up.”
    How banks may have rigged the Bank of England scheme built to keep them alive
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    In 2007, the Bank of England introduced a liquidity programme to help the banks. The Serious Fraud Office is now investigating whether this was manipulated. On Thursday September 13, 2007, 13 men and women were called to an emergency meeting at the Bank of England. The situation was delicate: interbank borrowing rates had shot up to a nine-year high, and the day before Northern Rock had applied for a level of support from the Bank of England that had not been seen for more than 30 years.
    Two Suspects Detained in Connection to Nemtsov Murder
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    The Russian Federal Security Service announced Saturday that two suspects have been detained in connection to the murder of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. “I would like to inform you that the work that has been conducted has resulted in two suspects in this crime being detained today. They are a Gubashev, Anzor and a Dadayev, Zaur,” stated FSS head Alexander Bortnikov in a video posted online.
    Two Administrations and Congress Dismantled the Constitution – How Can It Be Restored?
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    Since the events of September 11, 2001, actions by successive U.S. administrations – backed by legislation such as the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendments Act (FAA) – have eroded privacy provisions guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. Lawsuits challenging these actions have languished, with the U.S. Supreme Court having declined to hear the one case to reach it for review, Clapper vs. Amnesty International.
    Spanish Judge Pursues Bankers, Government Pursues Judge
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    The criminal investigation into Spain’s Too-Big-To-Fail monstrosity Bankia’s highly dubious 2011 IPO this week descended from the surreal into the downright macabre. In a rare departure from standard judicial practice, Judge Fernando Andreu had ordered Bankia, its parent company state-owned BFA, the bank’s former President, Rodrigo Rato, and three former directors to pay an €800 million civil liability bond for signing off on fraudulent financial statements in the run-up to the IPO – a criminal offense in Spain that is punishable with up to six years’ imprisonment.
    CIA reshuffle features ‘mission centers’, cyber-warfare to 'cover the entire universe'
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    The Central Intelligence Agency has announced a sweeping reorganization, introducing a new Directorate dedicated to cyber-espionage and establishing ten new cross-directorate ‘mission centers’.
    US War on ISIS a Trojan Horse
    Posted: 06 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST
    impotence of American foreign policy loomed over him and those who wrote his speech for him like an insurmountable wall. So absurd was America's attempt to once again use the canard of "weapons of mass destruction" to justify yet another military intervention, that many believed America's proxy war in Syria had finally reached its end.


    “Feliz aquele que transfere o que sabe, e aprende o que lhe ensinam”.Platão

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