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    Mensagens : 3215
    Reputação : 61
    Data de inscrição : 17/07/2009
    Idade : 44
    Localização : Portugal

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    Mensagem por ANASP

    O circuito das leis
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    Talvez o humor ajude. Rir é, dizia o Eça de Queiroz, uma opinião constitucional. Voilà!

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    O Direito Colonial
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    Ainda fui dos que estudei Direito Ultramarino, cadeira a cargo do Professor André Gonçalves Pereira. Por essa altura os velhos diplomas que haviam atingido o seu apogeu com a Carta Orgânica do Império Colonial Português estavam em revisão.

    Adriano Moreira, ministro do Ultramar do Governo de Oliveira Salazar havia ensaiado a possível alteração das estruturas e das mentalidades. E legislava sobre o «trabalho indígena». Um dia escreverei sobre isso.

    No início do meu estágio ainda minutei para o meu patrono recursos contenciosos para o Conselho Ultramarino, o Supremo Tribunal Administrativo do Ultramar.

    O Direito Colonial ficou como uma memória passada, hoje um facto histórico.

    Foi, por isso, com um renovar de memória que dei conta deste livro. Não fala de nós, sim dos espanhóis, nisso se esgotando a Ibéria vista do lando americano.

    Pode ser adquirido através daqui.

    É uma colectânea de estudos, editada pela Universidade Vanderbilt, coordenados por Santa Arias, professor associado na Universidade do Kansas, nos EUA, e Raul Marrero-Fente, da Universidade do Minnesota.


    Copio do índice do que se trata:

    -» Jose de Acosta: Colonial Regimes for a Globalized Christian World
    Ivonne del Valle

    -» Conquistador Counterpoint: Intimate Enmity in the Writings of Bernardo de Vargas
    MachucaKris Lane

    -» Voices of the Altepetl: Nahua Epistemologies and Resistance in the Anales de Juan Bautista
    Ezekiel Stear

    -» Performances of Indigenous Authority in Postconquest Tlaxcalan Annals: Don Juan Buenaventura Zapata y Mendoza's Historia cronologica de la noble ciudad de Tlaxcala
    Kelly S. McDonough


    -» Translating the "Doctrine of Discovery": Spain, England, and Native American Religions
    Ralph Bauer

    -» Narrating Conversion: Idolatry, the Sacred, and the Ambivalences of Christian Evangelization in Colonial Peru
    Laura Leon Llerena

    -» Old Enemies, New Contexts: Early Modern Spanish (Re)-Writing of Islam in the Philippines
    Ana M. Rodríguez-Rodríguez

    -» Art That Pushes and Pulls: Visualizing Religion and Law in the Early Colonial Provinces of Toluca
    Delia A. Cosentino


    -» The Rhetoric of War and Justice in the Conquest of the Americas: Ethnography, Law, and Humanism in Juan Gines de Sepulveda and Bartolome de Las Casas
    David M. Solodkow

    -» Human Sacrifice, Conquest, and the Law: Cultural Interpretation and Colonial Sovereignty in New Spain
    Cristian Roa

    -» Legal Pluralism and the "India Pura" in New Spain: The School of Guadalupe and the Convent of the Company of Mary
    Monica Diaz

    -» Our Lady of Anarchy: Iconography as Law on the Frontiers of the Spanish Empire
    John D. (Jody) Blanco


    -» Epilogue: Teleiopoesis at the Crossroads of the Colonial/Postcolonial Divide
    Jose Rabasa
    Europa 2014: Estagnação, Desemprego e Tensões Crescentes
    Posted: 24 Feb 2014 06:01 AM PST
    // 2014 é mais um ano de estagnação económica e alto desemprego numa Europa em que as pressões políticas e sociais nos vários Estados da UE devem continuar a subir e a chocar com as pretensões de Bruxelas e de Berlim. Analisando “The Social and Political Effects of the Ongoing Crisis”, a Stratfor destaca [...]
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    CEO Lusófono: Portugal, a Europa e a Lusofonia
    Posted: 24 Feb 2014 05:59 AM PST
    // O canto da sereia do pangermanismo Sem certeza alguma, políticos, economistas de serviço, comentadores inflamados e pequenos filósofos em geral, ainda se sustentam na perenidade da filosofia alemã, partilhando a falsa convicção, proclamada a partir dos finais do século XIX, da superioridade germânica, que conduziu a Alemanha por duas vezes no século [...]
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    Eduardo Lourenço sobre a ignorância e a perplexidade das elites intelectuais portuguesas
    Posted: 24 Feb 2014 05:58 AM PST
    // Eduardo Lourenço apresenta uma bela síntese sobre a ignorância e a perplexidade das elites intelectuais portuguesas face ao actual estado de coisas da “modernidade”. Uma síntese brilhante de que tira (pelo menos na notícia…) uma conclusão muito errada: recomenda “paciência” quando devia recomendar estudo sério e coragem intelectual para navegar e descobrir novos [...]
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    Os Biliões do Cibercrime
    Posted: 24 Feb 2014 05:44 AM PST
    // O impacto económico do cibercrime e da ciber-espionagem é brutal e a esmagadora maioria das pessoas não faz ideia da imensa dimensão do fenómeno. Mesmo pessoas em lugares de decisão económica e política… Para, rapidamente, passar a ter uma ideia do que falamos quando falamos do cibercrime e da ciber-espionagem, o melhor é [...]
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    Ucrânia: Consequências Económicas do Federalismo
    Posted: 24 Feb 2014 05:38 AM PST
    // // // ]]> Se a Ucrânia avançar para um regime federal, que consequências económicas (e políticas) terá esse passo? Para a Stratfor, “broadly speaking, Ukraine is divided between the east and the west, with eastern Ukraine favoring Russia and western Ukraine favoring Europe. Ukraine’s regions are also distinct economically. The country’s industrial base is [...]
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    Brussels, 24 February 2014
    [size=21.3333]Results of today's Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council[/size]

    The Council adopted conclusions on innovative education and training to invest in skills, in the context of the European Semester and in particular the education aspects of the 2014 Annual Growth Survey. The conclusions call for action to improve skills performance across the EU and to help protect investment in education and training as areas which can both foster and support growth.

    The Council also held a policy debate on skills and employability in the light of the results of recent OCDE surveys (PIAAC and PISA). Ministers indicated some of the concrete measures that were taken or planned at national level to make education and training policies more responsive to the changing needs of the labour market and how the EU could best contribute to support those efforts through policy cooperation and funding instruments.

    Minister ARVANITOPOULOS declared that member states should continue to invest in high quality education. They also need to accelerate the reform agenda in education and training to urgently address the challenge of skills mismatch which is one of the causes of young people unemployment".

    Other issues
    Furthermore, the Council decided not to oppose the adoption of a Commission regulation amending Regulation 1031/2010, in particular to determine the volumes of greenhouse gas emission allowances to be auctioned in 2013-2020 ("back-loading"). The measure will enable the Commission to delay the auctioning of 900 million allowances in the third trading period of the EU's emissions trading system (EU ETS) to address the surplus of emission allowances that has built up in the system, mainly as a result of the economic crisis. See press release.

    A comprehensive press release will become available here.

    Watch the press conference after the Education Council.
    Ukraine Turns From Revolution to Recovery

    By George Friedman

    The uprising in Kiev has apparently reached its conclusion. President Viktor Yanukovich and the opposition reached an agreement, negotiated by the Polish, German and French foreign ministers. The parliament is now effectively in charge, deciding who will be ministers and when elections will be held, whether to dismiss judges and so on. It isn't clear whether the parliament can fire the sitting president without impeachment and trial, but all of this is now moot. What is interesting is that the Polish, French and German foreign ministers negotiated an outcome that, for practical purposes, ignored the Constitution of Ukraine. It sets an interesting precedent. But for Ukraine, the constitution didn't have the patina of tradition that a true constitution requires, and few will miss Yanukovich.

    The question now is whether all of this makes any real difference in Ukraine or the world. There is a new temporary leadership, although it is still factionalized and the leaders of the factions have not fully emerged. The effect of hostile gunfire will forge unity in Kiev for a while, but in due course, ideology, ambition and animosity will re-emerge. That will make governing Ukraine as difficult as in the past, particularly because the differences among the neo-Nazis, the liberals and groups in between -- all of which manned the barricades -- are profound. A government of national unity will be difficult to form. Read more »
    [size=32]Video no youtube "Porque os ucranianos odeiam a Rússia":[/size]
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