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Bem-vindo ao Fórum Oficial da ANASP, Fundada em 2009 | Associação Nacional Agentes Segurança Privada | Portugal

ANASP - Associação Nacional Agentes Segurança Privada


Sede: Urbanização Caliço, Lote P10, Frente A, 8200 Albufeira (ao lado terminal autocarros Albufeira)
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 (ao lado Segurança Social de Braga, contactar Dra. Eva Mendes)

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» ofertas emprego
(2)ANASP_Newsletter_19.03.2015 EmptySex 31 Jul 2015, 14:34 por ANASP

» ofertas emprego
(2)ANASP_Newsletter_19.03.2015 EmptySex 31 Jul 2015, 14:31 por ANASP

» Ofertas emprego
(2)ANASP_Newsletter_19.03.2015 EmptySex 31 Jul 2015, 14:28 por ANASP

» Ofertas de Emprego Segurança Privada
(2)ANASP_Newsletter_19.03.2015 EmptySex 31 Jul 2015, 13:54 por ANASP

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(2)ANASP_Newsletter_19.03.2015 EmptyQui 23 Jul 2015, 14:23 por ANASP

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(2)ANASP_Newsletter_19.03.2015 EmptyQui 23 Jul 2015, 14:16 por ANASP

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(2)ANASP_Newsletter_19.03.2015 EmptyQui 16 Jul 2015, 14:43 por ANASP

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(2)ANASP_Newsletter_19.03.2015 EmptyQui 16 Jul 2015, 14:10 por ANASP

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    Mensagens : 3215
    Reputação : 61
    Data de inscrição : 17/07/2009
    Idade : 44
    Localização : Portugal

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    18 March 2015
    PR (2015) 051
    [size=36]NATO Secretary General statement on Tunisia attack[/size]

    ‎I condemn in the strongest terms the terrorist attack in Tunisia. I offer my profound condolences to President Essebsi and to the Tunisian people. My thoughts are with those who have lost their loved ones and with those who have been wounded.
    NATO will continue to work with Tunisia and with our Mediterranean Dialoguepartners in the fight against terrorism.

    [size=36]NATO and Serbia discuss how to move relationship forward[/size]
    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]
    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with the Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ivica Dačić and with the Serbian Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić at NATO Headquarters on Wednesday (18 March 2015) for talks on the development of the NATO-Serbia relationship.
    During the meeting, the Secretary General praised the Serbian government's ongoing efforts to enhance Serbia's role as an active and reliable partner within the international community, including with respect to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.  The Secretary General also praised the excellent cooperation between KFOR and Serbia and said that NATO remains committed to stability in the Western Balkan region. He welcomed Serbia's EU ambitions and Serbia’s 2015 OSCE Chairmanship.
    The Secretary General said that new Individual Partnership Action Plan between NATO and Serbia will provide for new opportunities for cooperation.
    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dačić and Minister of Defence Gašić also addressed the North Atlantic Council.
    For more detailed information please check out the story online
    [size=36]NATO Secretary General to participate at the Brussels Forum Conference[/size]
    The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will participate in a panel at the Brussels Forum organised by the German Marshall Fund of the United States on Friday, 20 March 2015.
    Media Advisory
    16:30 NATO Secretary General’s speech - Steigenberger Grand Hotel, Avenue Louise, Brussels
    The organisers are streamlining the event on their website (http://www.brusselsforum.org/) and broadcast quality footage will be available on satellite upon request to EBU.
    Still images of the speech will be available on the NATO website after the event.
    19 Mar. 2015[Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

    NATO Secretary General signs up as HeForShe Champion

    In a global effort to further gender equality and empowerment of women, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has joined other world leaders in signing up to the Impact10x10x10 Initiative, which is part of the wider HeForShe campaign.
    18 Mar. 2015[Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

    Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the so-called treaty between the Russian Federation and the South Ossetia region of Georgia

    NATO does not recognize the so-called treaty on alliance and integration signed between the South Ossetia region of Georgia and Russia on 18 March.
    18 Mar. 2015[Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

    Exercise Ramstein Dust I 2015 is underway in Italy

    NATO is continuing to develop deployable air surveillance and tactical air mission control capabilities with the "DARS”. This is the Deployable Air Control Centre, Recognised Air Picture Production Centre and Sensor Fusion Post. This capability currently includes 100 NATO Airmen from 16 Allied nations ready to deploy with their equipment on short notice.

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]DSACEUR Discusses Training and Co-operation during Visit to Bulgaria
    19 MAR 2015
    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]NATOs Shipping Centre Weekly Piracy Update
    18 MAR 2015


    19 March 2015[Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem] [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

    INTERPOL hosts global music industry anti-piracy conference


    Bibliografia e eventos

    by Segurança e Ciências Forenses
    [ltr]Na linha daquilo que temos vindo a fazer, aproveitamos para divulgar alguma literatura e eventos sobre Segurança e  Ciências Forenses, na tentativa de contribuir para o alargamento dos horizontes neste domínio. Bibliografia A atividade de segurança privada – legislação A Companion to Forensic Anthropology (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Anthropology) Alternativas jurídicas al tratamiento penal de la […]
    Ler mais deste artigo[/ltr]

    Base de dados de ADN – Colóquio

    by Segurança e Ciências Forenses
    [ltr]Em 2008[1], depois de sucessivos avanços e recuos, foi criada em Portugal uma base de dados de perfis de ADN (ácido desoxirribonucleico) para fins exclusivos de identificação e investigação criminal, a informação obtida a partir dos perfis de ADN ser comunicada para fins de investigação científica ou de estatística, após anonimização irreversível. Para discutir algumas das […]
    Ler mais deste artigo[/ltr]

    A atividade de segurança privada – legislação

    by Segurança e Ciências Forenses
    [ltr]Neste mundo globalizado, os ventos da privatização fustigam, cada vez mais, a segurança, reflexo desta tendência, são as empresas de segurança privada que atuam em diversas vertentes, tais como o apoio das forças armadas em teatros de operações, a vigilância de espaços comerciais, desportivos, a segurança de áreas portuárias e aeroportuárias, a segurança de pessoas. A partir do advento do Estado moderno, estabeleceu-se […]
    Ler mais deste artigo[/ltr]


    Na escola ensinam comportamentos de segurança, de prevenção e de gestão do risco?

    Pois se não o fazem, deviam! Afinal nem só dos conhecimentos de língua portuguesa e de matemática vive o homem!
    Hoje deixo-vos a proposta de Referencial de Educação para o Risco - Educação Pré-Escolar, Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário – (RERisco).
    O mesmo foi divulgado pela Direção-Geral da Educação (DGE), a Direção-Geral dos Estabelecimentos Escolares (DGEstE) e a Autoridade Nacional de Proteção Civil (ANPC) na iniciativa realizada no dia 2 de março, pela Autoridade Nacional da Proteção Civil, em Lisboa, no âmbito das comemorações do Dia da Proteção Civil.
    RERisco estará em consulta pública até 2 de abril. Após a análise dos contributos que venham a ser apresentados proceder-se-á à sua harmonização e aprovação.
    Pretende-se que o RERisco constitua, no quadro da Educação para a Cidadania, uma ferramenta de apoio à promoção de uma cultura de segurança e um documento orientador para a implementação da Educação para o Risco, favorecendo a adoção de comportamentos de segurança, de prevenção e gestão adequada do risco.
    Este documento foi elaborado por um grupo de trabalho conjunto que integrou representantes da DGE, DGEstE e ANPC e encontra-se disponível na página da DGE http://www.dge.mec.pt/.

    [size=22]Marinha Guerra Portuguesa - Concurso de Admissão Categoria Oficial (TSN) e Oficial (TN) (RC)

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    Junta-te a nós: concurso aberto para a Marinha 

    Se tens licenciatura ou mestrado numa das seguintes áreas, concorre até 31 de Março:

    Ciências da Educação — 1 (uma) vaga;
    Línguas e Literaturas (Inglês) — 2 (duas) vagas;
    História — 1 (uma) vaga;
    Relações Internacionais — 1 (uma) vaga;
    Comunicação e Relações Públicas — 3 (três) vagas;
    Contabilidade e Gestão — 2 (duas) vagas;
    Gestão de Recursos Humanos — 2 (duas) vagas;
    Direito — 2 (duas) vagas;
    Química — 1 (uma) vaga;
    Informática — 1 (uma) vaga;
    Mecânica & Construção Naval — 2 (duas) vagas;
    Electrotecnia, Electrónica, Telecomunicações e Computadores
    — 2 (duas) vagas;
    Engenharia Têxtil — 1 (uma) vaga;
    Arquitectura — 1 (uma) vaga;
    Medicina Dentária — 2 (duas) vagas;
    Farmácia — 1 (uma) vaga.

    Recrutamento Marinha Portuguesa





    • Cinco marinheiros da Guiné-Bissau vivem em condições sub-humanas na Guiné Equatorial - ONG






    • Moçambique. Cães arrastam restos de cadáveres para as casas no bairro Luís Cabral em Maputo

    • Moçambique. Startimes e Valentina Guebuza envolvidos em caso de falta de transparência

    • Primeiro-Ministro timorense "está recuperado" e estará de regresso no sábado - ministro

    • Governo timorense informa embaixadas de "operação em grande escala" sobre imigração

    • Projeto luso-timorense do Sistema Nacional de Cadastro chega a novo distrito

    • Vanuatu tenta resolver problemas na distribuição da ajuda humanitária após ciclone Pam


    • Testemunhas negam suicídio no caso do jovem português encontrado morto em Macau


    • Portugal. Quando uma petição falha, avança outra a pedir moção de censura ao governo


    • Portugal. Secretário de Estado já admite existência de "lista VIP" de contribuintes


    Suécia: Tiroteio em Gotemburgo
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    Um tiroteio com armas automáticas na quarta-feira à noite num bar em Gotemburgo, no oeste da Suécia, causou dois mortos e 10 a 15 feridos. Ao início

    Estado Islâmico. Anonymous desvenda 9.200 contas do Twitter

    Observador -‎

    No dia 16 de março deu-se mais um marco importante na guerra virtual contra o Estado Islâmico. O grupo hacktivista Anonymous, que declarou guerra ao estado Islâmico em janeiro após o atentado ao Charlie Hebdo, lançou uma lista com 9.200 nomes de ...


    França reforça poder dos serviços secretos para combater o terrorismo
    Conselho de Ministros avalia revisão legislativa para enquadrar e harmonizar a actividade dos seis serviços de informação do país. ... dos serviços secretos – que foram descritas como “intercepções de segurança” dos conteúdos ...


    Helicóptero da ONU cai e deixa dois mortos no Mali
    Sputnik Brasil
    Um helicóptero de ataque pertencente a uma missão da ONU no Mali caiu durante um exercício no nordeste do país, deixando dois mortos.

    Dezanove mortos no ataque terrorista ao parlamento da Tunísia

    Diário de Notícias - Lisboa -‎

    Todos os reféns no museu do Bardo foram libertados, dois dos terroristas foram mortos. Primeiro-ministro tunisino confirmou a morte de 19 pessoas, 17 dos quais turistas. (Notícia atualizada às 15.20). A situação de reféns no museu do Bardo terminou com ...

    É o Euro Compatível com a Democracia?
    Posted: 18 Mar 2015 04:41 AM PDT
    // // // ]]> “Novas eleições não mudam nada!”, lançou o ministro alemão das Finanças Schäuble aos gregos que ousaram apear o governo dos amigos de Berlim em Atenas. O novo governo grego deve aceitar e prosseguir, insiste Schäuble, as políticas do anterior governo, o tal dos amigos da Alemanha… Partindo deste facto maior da [...]
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    Scores Injured In Violent Frankfurt Clashes
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Police in Frankfurt say they have so far detained 550 demonstrators after trouble flared on Wednesday, which saw water cannon used. More than 90 officers were reportedly injured after police and firefighters came under attack from activists throwing stones and tear gas. Rally organisers said more than 100 protesters were hurt by police.
    The Big Dick School of American Patriotism, and What We Make of It
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Let’s face it: we live in a state of pervasive national security anxiety. There are various possible responses to this low-grade fever that saps resolve, but first we have to face the basis for that anxiety — what I’ve come to think of as the Big Dick School of Patriotism, or (since anything having to do with our present version of national security, even a critique of it, has to have an acronym) the BDSP. The BDSP is based on a bedrock belief in how America should work: that the only strength that really matters is military and that a great country is one with the capacity to beat the bejesus out of everyone else. Think of it as a military version of 50 Shades of Grey, with the same frisson of control and submission (for the American citizen) and the assumption that a good portion of the world is ripe to be bullied.
    The brands and police are listening, and Twitter intends to help them
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Soon you might find yourself shocked by how much companies and government agencies know about you, in close to real time. Unless you lock your Twitter account, everything you say on the microblogging website is by default public. The company already sells bulk access to our tweets; these direct data sales make up about $70m of Twitter's $1.3b income, with the rest coming from advertising. According to a report in The Guardian, Twitter plans to expand its data sales of what one executive calls the "firehose"—the enormous stream of tweets—pouring out of Twitter users worldwide.
    Mall of America Security Catfished Black Lives Matter Activists, Documents Show
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Documents obtained by The Intercept indicate that security staff at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota used a fake Facebook account to monitor local Black Lives Matter organizers, befriend them, and obtain their personal information and photographs without their knowledge. Evidence of the fake Facebook account was found in a cache of files provided by the Mall of America to Bloomington officials after a large Black Lives Matter event at the mall on December 20 protesting police brutality. The files included briefs on individual organizers, with screenshots that suggest that much of the information was captured using a Facebook account for a person named “Nikki Larson.”
    Bad For Business: Church Installs Watering System to Drench Sleeping Homeless People
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    A Catholic church in San Francisco has made a decision that will undoubtedly be met with heavy backlash. They have installed a “watering system” that sprays water on homeless people who attempt to sleep on its grounds. It’s not just any Catholic church either. It is the cathedral at Geary and Gough, home church of the Archbishop.
    Report: US-Backed Forces Committing Atrocities, Fueling Sectarianism in Iraq
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Human Rights Watch investigation finds Iraqi military forces, Shiite militias, and volunteer fighters carried out arson, demolitions, and abductions in aftermath of Amerli operation in September
    Crimea Documentary Reveals How Close Russia Came to Shootout with NATO
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    In the documentary, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed top-secret facts and details of previosly unknown events that had taken place right before the Crimean referendum.
    Ukraine Declares Resumption of War Against Donbass
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    On Wednesday, March 18th, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Prime Minister of Ukraine — who was selected for that post by Victoria Nuland of the U.S. State Department on 4 February 2014, 18 days before the U.S. coup that installed him into this office — told his cabinet meeting, “Our goal is to regain control of Donetsk and Lugansk.” Those are the two districts comprising Donbass, the self-proclaimed independent region of Ukraine, which now calls itself “The People’s Republic“ and sometimes “Novorossiya,” and which rejects the coup and its coup-imposed Government.
    US Air Force Veteran Indicted For Searching The Web and Traveling To Turkey With iPod
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    As the FBI implores good New Yorkers to report any murderous ISIS terrorists they see roaming the streets of Brooklyn, and as Twitter-savvy jihadists look set to dethrone American icon Mark Zuckerberg by launching their own version of Facebook, it’s nice to know that at least someone is looking out for the safety of US citizens. As the Dept. Of Justice reports, a joint effort by the FBI and several New Jersey police departments has culminated in the indictment of US Air Force veteran Tairod Nathan Webster Pugh who “allegedly” pulled the terrorist trifecta by first accessing the internet and then traveling from Egypt to Turkey with an iPod and a picture of a machine gun
    Washington Retaliates: Shifts Anti-Missile Battery Into Poland, Begins Rapid-Response Drills
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    In yet another sign that Washington is keen on preserving the sanctity of sovereign nations’ right to choose peaceful democracy over violent tyranny, the US is set to use Poland as a staging ground in an effort to prove (because some folks weren’t sure) that despite the UK’s inexplicable reluctance to engage in an arms race with Russia and China, the US can still blow things up at the drop of a dime. Here’s The State Dept with more...
    Huxley’s Letter to Orwell Regarding “1984”
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Arabic Engraved Ring Found in Viking Grave
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    A ring found in a 9th century grave in Birka, Sweden (home to a Viking trading center) suggests that Vikings had contact with Islamic civilizations. The silver ring, found in a Viking woman’s grave, has a beautiful violet-colored glass gem engraved with “To Allah” or “For Allah” in Arabic. “Ancient texts mention contact between Scandinavians and members of Islamic civilization, but such archaeological evidence is rare.”
    Europe braces for 'unprecedented' power issues from solar eclipse
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Europe's power operators are bracing for potential disruption from the solar eclipse expected Friday, which will knock out almost all solar-generated electricity in an "unprecedented" test for the network.
    Exposed: US Played Secret Role in Botched Philippine Raid That Left Dozens Dead
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Contradicting prior U.S. claims, a Philippine government investigation released Tuesday in Manila suggests that the U.S. secretly had a hand in a failed commando raid in that country that resulted in a bloodbath and set in motion an ongoing political scandal.
    Pentagon loses track of $500 million in weapons, equipment given to Yemen
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The Pentagon is unable to account for more than $500 million in U.S. military aid given to Yemen, amid fears that the weaponry, aircraft and equipment is at risk of being seized by Iranian-backed rebels or al-Qaeda, according to U.S. officials.
    UK Regulation to Label Women With Vagina Piercings Victims of ‘Genital Mutilation’
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Hundreds of women in London with vagina piercings will be recorded as victims of potentially illegal female genital mutilation under new NHS rules to be introduced next month. The mandatory reporting regulations, sent to medical staff by the Department of Health, say that any woman whose labia or clitoris has been pierced must be classed as suffering FGM.
    Netanyahu Unmasks Israel
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Desperate to win reelection, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stripped off Israel’s mask and exposed the ugliness that has deformed his country over the past several decades. He abandoned the subterfuge of a two-state solution, exposed the crass racism that underlies Israeli politics, and revealed Israel’s blatant control of the U.S. Congress. For years, these realities were known to many Americans, but – if they spoke up – they were condemned as anti-Semites, so most stayed silent to protect their careers and reputations. But – given Netanyahu’s brazen admissions – the American people may have little choice but to finally take notice of this troubling reality and demand a change in U.S. policy.
    Claims police protected high-profile figures by covering up child sex abuse
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The police watchdog in the UK is to investigate claims that the Metropolitan Police Service covered up sex offences over four decades to protect high-profile figures. The 14 allegations to be looked into include the alleged suppressing of evidence, the hindering and halting of investigations and the covering up of offences because of the involvement of MPs and other officers.
    Here We Go Again: YouTube Clips Of Syrian "Chemical Attacks" Are Back - Meet The Man Behind The Propaganda
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    US foreign policy is becoming so easy and predictable, even Derek Zoolander can do it. Two weeks ago, when discussing the relentless attempts to provoke, or at least greenlight another quasi war with Syria's president Assad, we wrote "one can be confident that the ISIS "campaign" will continue and get ever closer to Damascus until yet another appropriately-framed YouTube clip appears and leads to another war with Assad."
    North Korea Web Outage Was Revenge For Sony Hack, Lawmaker Says
    Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    A December blackout of North Korea’s Internet was retaliation for that nation’s hacking of computers at Sony Corp.’s Hollywood studio, a top U.S. lawmaker on cybersecurity issues said without identifying who was responsible.
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