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    Mensagem por ANASP

    A Bola

    Cinco polícias mortos pelo Estado Islâmico
    A Bola
    Estado islâmico matou hoje cinco policiais, numa cidade perto da ... esta terça-feira, que a economia portuguesa poderá continuar a crescer e o ...


    Putin: OTAN é que se aproxima da Rússia, não o contrário
    Sputnik Brasil
    Em fevereiro, os ministros da Defesa dos países da OTAN decidiram estabelecer seis unidades de comando na Estônia, Bulgária, Letônia, Lituânia, ...


    Reduzir maioridade penal é jogar juventude nas mãos do crime organizado, diz presidenta da ...
    Uma eventual diminuição da maioridade penal de 18 para 16 anos levaria a uma maior cooptação dos adolescentes por parte do crime organizado, ...

    ONU avisa que a situação dos refugiados está fora de controlo
    Os conflitos e a violência fizeram com que o número de pessoas forçadas a fugir das suas casas subisse para um recorde de 60 milhões no ano passado, avançou hoje a Agência da ONU para os Refugiados (ACNUR).

    China manda adaptar embarcações civis para fins militares

    Diário de Notícias - Lisboa -‎

    Os novos regulamentos requerem que cinco categorias de embarcações, incluindo navios de carga, sejam modificadas para "servir necessidades de defesa nacional", escreve o jornal China Daily. Estas diretivas "vão permitir à China converter o ...

    Estados Unidos e Cabo Verde reforçam luta contra o terrorismo

    Voz da América -‎

    Estados Unidos e Cabo Verde reforçaram os mecanismos de luta contra a lavagem de capitais e a criminalidade, em geral, numa zona por onde passa muito do crime organizado que circula entre a Ámerica do Sul e Europa.

    Anonymous paralisam sites do governo canadense

    Sputnik Brasil -‎

    "Trocaremos nossa vida privada em nome da segurança?", questionam os "anônimos" em mensagem publicada nas redes sociais. A polêmica lei foi redigida após os ataques extremistas que chocaram o país no final do ano passado e resultaram na morte ...

    Presidente da Pirelli é absolvido em caso de espionagem

    Gazeta de Limeira

    SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) - O empresário italiano Marco Tronchetti Provera foi absolvido na semana passada em um processo de espionagem industrial na Telecom Itália que remonta ao início dos anos 2000. Em abril deste ano, o empresário teria ...

    Polícia alerta instituições a contratar empresas de segurança ...

    AngolaPress -‎

    Luanda - A direcção nacional de Ordem Pública alertou hoje, quarta-feira, em Luanda, às instituições e público em geral interessadas na contratação de empresas privadas de segurança, a exigir das mesmas a apresentação da licença que autoriza o ...

    Bálcãs na mira do "Estado Islâmico"


    A história dos Bálcãs nos últimos cem anos é uma cronologia única da opressão contra muçulmanos, alega o grupo terrorista "Estado Islâmico" (EI), cuja propaganda também tem região como alvo. A única saída para a luta contra comunistas, "cruzadas" ou ...

    Depois da derrota do Estado Islâmico, centenas de sírios regressam ...

    Público.pt -‎

    Centenas de refugiados sírios começaram nesta quarta-feira a regressar a Tal Abyad, um dia depois de a importante cidade fronteiriça síria ter saído das mãos do autoproclamado Estado Islâmico, que a ocupava há mais de um ano. Segundo a AFP, que cita ...
    Ajuda é lançada para refugiados sírios na fronteira com a Turquia ...Diário de Pernambuco
    Jihadistas sofreram maior derrota militar no norte da...SIC Notícias

    Carros-bomba do Estado Islâmico matam mais de 30 pessoas no ...

    Público.pt -‎

    Os atentados aconteceram ao final da tarde desta quarta-feira e foram reivindicados pelo autoproclamado Estado Islâmico. Em Março o grupo já lançara uma onda de ataques a mesquitas xiitas no Iémen, matando mais de 100 pessoas apenas nesse mês.

    Estado Islâmico alega ter abatido caça iraquiano no norte de Ramadi

    swissinfo.ch -‎

    BAGDÁ (Reuters) - O Estado Islâmico afirmou na quinta-feira (horário local) ter abatido um avião de combate do Iraque ao norte da cidade de Ramadi, na província de Anbar. Não foi imediatamente possível confirmar de forma independente a alegação feita ...
    EUA pedem "maior comprometimento" de governo iraquiano contra ...Terra Brasil

    Nove mortos num ataque racista em Igreja da Carolina do Sul

    Ataque racista na Carolina do Sul fez nove mortos. A white gunman opened fire at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C., killing 9 people [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

    Situação grega faz pairar sombra negra sobre “economia mundial”

    Grécia: dois irmãos tentam manter negócios à tona em plena crise

    Iémen: Carros armadilhados deixam rasto de sangue em Sana

    Dinamarca vai a votos com “empate técnico” nas sondagens.

    Muçulmanos iniciam mês sagrado do Ramadão

    Hungria constrói cerca de quatro metros de altura na fronteira com a Sérvia

    • O Governo da Hungria decidiu fechar, fisicamente, a fronteira do país com a Sérvia. Budapeste…

    Chade detém suspeitos e proíbe burcas

    • O Chade anunciou ter detido pelo menos 5 suspeitos de implicação nos atentados suicidas de…

    Chile: Milhares em protesto contra reforma do ensino

    Quatro toneladas de cocaína apreendidas

    França abre refúgios mas mantém fronteiras fechadas

    Inaugurado depósito de lixo nuclear em Chernobyl

    Governo palestiniano apresenta demissão

    15 anos depois, uma nova bolha da Internet?

    O tema é recorrente: há quem defenda que nos estamos a aproximar de uma nova bolha da Internet.
    Os valores de investimento e de número de empresas da internet e tecnológicas tem vindo a crescer. Só em 2014 o valor de investimento privado atingiu mais de 40.000 milhões de dólares – praticamente o dobro do ano anterior.
    Um dos maiores problemas acaba por ser o facto de, ao contrário do que se passou em 2000 quando a maior parte das empresas tecnológicas tinham o capital aberto em bolsa, actualmente mais de 80% do investimento nestas novas empresas da internet está na mão de investidores e empresas privadas, que geram uma menor liquidez do que acções normais. Assim, essas startups têm uma grande valorização sem terem gerado receitas correspondentes.
    Contudo, Marc Andeerssen, co-fundador da Andreessen Horowitz,acredita que não estamos perto de atingir uma bolha tecnológica:
    In 2000, you had fifty million people on the Internet, and the number of smartphones was zero. Today, you have three billion Internet users and two billion smartphones. It’s Pong versus Nintendo. It’s Carlota Perez’s argument that technology is adopted on an S curve: the installation phase, the crash—because the technology isn’t ready yet—and then the deployment phase, when technology gets adopted by everyone and the real money gets made.
    As baixas taxas de juro que se praticam hoje não vão durar para sempre, o que pode agravar ainda mais o problema. • P.F.
    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]  Tech investors have started saying there is no bubble because 'it's different this time' — one of the key indicators that there is a bubble(Jim Edwards/Business Insider) Is it a bubble if everyone says there is no bubble?
    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]  Who Funds the Future? (Tad Friend/The New Yorker) Inside Andreessen Horowitz, one of the most powerful venture-capital firms in Silicon Valley.

    France: Top suspect in 1982 attack on Paris deli arrested
    France is requesting extradition of Souhaur Mouhamad Hassan Khalil Al-Abbassi, who was arrested in Jordan on June 1 • Al-Abbassi is considered the "supervisor" of 1982 attack on deli in Paris' Jewish quarter in which six people were killed. [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

    'IDF is a moral army fighting in an immoral neighborhood'
    IDF reservist Matan Katzman tells EU human rights subcommittee: "[IDF] policy is so concrete and clear that Hamas is an expert on it and uses it to their advantage. They place snipers in schools and hospitals, they stock weapons in homes."

    Another Fed "Insider" Quits, Tells The Truth
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    Once more, an "insider" from The Fed exposes the reality of an academic ivory tower clueless of the real financial markets. Former adviser to Dallas Fed's Dick Fisher, Danielle DiMartino Booth speaking in a CNBC interview slams The Fed for "allowing the [market] tail to wag the [monetary policy] dog," warning that "The Fed's credibility itself is at stake... they have backed themselves into a very tight corner... the tightest ever." As she writes in her first Op-Ed, "The hope today is that the current era of easy monetary policy will have no deep economic ramifications. Such thinking, though, may prove to be naive... All retirees’ security is thus at risk when the massive overvaluation in fixed income and equity markets eventually rights itself."
    Self-driving cars may have to be programmed to kill you
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    The self-driving cars that could soon dominate our roads, perhaps even making human-driven ones illegal some day, could end up being programmed to kill you if it means saving a larger number of lives. This is routed in a classic philosophical thought experiment, the Trolley Problem.
    Shanghai Containerized Freight Index Totally Collapses, Top Carriers Wage Price War to Form Global Shipping Oligopoly
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    This is what two unnamed container shipping executives, one from an Asian carrier, the other from a European carrier, told the Wall Street Journal about the containerized-freight fiasco on the China-Europe route:
    Massachusetts police the most secretive in the nation
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    It normally takes months or longer to respond to news media FOI requests. Requests for basic documents routinely produce refusals, large portions of blacked out documents or demands for tens of thousands of dollars in unjustified fees. Among them, a $42,750 fee for the log of its public records requests and a $62,220 fee for records of crashes involving police cruisers sought by the Boston Globe. A Bay State Examiner reporter was told to pay a $710.50 “non-refundable research fee” to get an estimate of the fee he would have to pay to obtain copies of internal affairs reports.
    Greek Debt Committee Just Declared All Debt To The Troika "Illegal, Illegitimate, And Odious"
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    It was in April when we got a stark reminder of a post we first penned in April of 2011, describing Odious Debt, and why we thought sooner or later this legal term would become applicable for Greece, because two months ago Greek Zoi Konstantopoulou, speaker of the Greek parliament and a SYRIZA member, said she had established a new "Truth Committee on Public Debt" whose purposes was to "investigate how much of the debt is “illegal” with a view to writing it off."
    That Weird Guy At Your Anarchist Meeting Might Be An Informant
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    In 1975, the FBI had 1,500 informants. In 2011, over 15,000. Who are they spying on?
    Arlington officials report on fracking fluid blowout
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    Two months ago, 100 homes in Arlington had to be evacuated as fracking fluid spilled out of a drilling site onto the city streets. Now we know officially what happened, why it happened, and why Arlington officials are blaming the drilling company for "unacceptable behavior."
    Under arena plan, county debtors would pay 15% surcharge
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    Walker spokeswoman Laurel Patrick noted the 15% surcharge is in place any time the state takes over debt collection for local governments, and Milwaukee County could opt into the program even if there were no arena package. Milwaukee County residents behind on their property taxes or court fines would be charged an additional 15% under a proposal to use public money to pay for half the cost of a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks.
    Wal-Mart Has $76 Billion in Overseas Tax Havens, Report Says
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    Wal-Mart Stores Inc. owns more than $76 billion of assets through a web of units in offshore tax havens around the world, though you wouldn’t know it from reading the giant retailer’s annual report. A new study has found Wal-Mart has at least 78 offshore subsidiaries and branches, more than 30 created since 2009 and none mentioned in U.S. securities filings. Overseas operations have helped the company cut more than $3.5 billion off its income tax bills in the past six years, its annual reports show.
    Man Faced 20 Years in Prison For Clearing Web Browser History
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    Khairullozhon Matanov, a former taxi driver, is scheduled to appear in US Federal Court next week to face sentencing on charges of obstruction of justice related to the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing. Matanov did not participate in or have any prior knowledge of the bombings, according to U.S. authorities. However, those facts are irrelevant.
    Blue Privilege? Cop Admits to Shooting Wife in the Head, Released From Jail In Less Than 24 Hours
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    At around 7:30 p.m. last Saturday evening, Aiken County Sheriff’s Deputy and former Marine, Matthew Blakley shot and killed his 24-year-old wife, Candace in their North Augusta home. Blakley admitted to having done it, but claimed it was an accident. Sunday afternoon—less than a day after the killing—Blakley was released on bond. The day after that, less than two days after admittedly shooting his wife to death, authorities declared that the deputy will NOT be charged with first or second-degree murder, but “involuntary manslaughter.”
    Bank Of Greece Pleads For Deal, Says "Uncontrollable Crisis", "Soaring Inflation" Coming
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    The situation in Greece has escalated meaningfully since last week. After the IMF effectively threw in the towel and sent its negotiating team back to Washington on Thursday, EU and Greek officials agreed to meet in Brussels over the weekend in what was billed as a last ditch effort to end a long-running impasse and salvage some manner of deal in time to allow for the disbursement of at least part of the final tranche of aid ‘due’ to Greece under its second bailout program. Talks collapsed on Sunday however as Greek PM Alexis Tsipras, under pressure from the Left Platform, refused (again) to compromise on pension reform and the VAT, which are “red lines” for both the IMF and for Syriza party hardliners.
    Knife Regulation Arrives: This Is The US Government, Hard At Work
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    When it comes to the contents of the TPP, the most important law of Obama's second term, merely leaking its contents to the press can have result in imprisonment or treason charges, which, considering recent revelations that a substantial portion of the bill was drafted by and for the express benefit ofpharmaceutical companies, was to be expected: when the US population learns that their elected legislators not only don't read the laws they "pass", but are merely bribed figureheads that don't even write them, the resultant collapse of the "democratic" process would be unpleasant.
    Virginia Just Banned Using ‘Cuss Words’ In Public
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    No, this law was not written in the 1800s, and yes the police are actually enforcing a Virginia ban on using “curse words”. If you are in the City of Arlington, you could be faced with a $250 if you say words that county officials have defined as “profanity”. The Arlington County Board recently approved the bizarre measure which increases penalties for both public intoxication as well as what they are calling “blue language” from $100 to $250.
    Greeks are stashing €10,000 bundles in their homes in fear of Grexit
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    “Everybody’s doing it,” said Joanna Christofosaki, in front of a Eurobank cash dispenser in the leafy Athens neighbourhood of Kolonaki. “Our friends have all done it. Nobody wants their money to be worthless tomorrow. Nobody wants to be unable to get at it.” A researcher in the archaeology department at the Academy of Athens, Christofosaki said she knew plenty of people who had “€10,000 somewhere at home” and plenty of others who chose to keep their stash at the office. Was she among them? “If I was, I certainly wouldn’t tell you.”
    Pope Francis Calls For A New Global Political Authority To Save Humanity
    Posted: 16 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
    The new encyclical that was scheduled to be released on Thursday has been leaked, and it is being reported that this new global political authority that Pope Francis envisions would be in charge of “the reduction of pollution and the development of poor countries and regions”. The funny thing is that this sounds very much in line with the new sustainable development agenda that is going to be launched at the United Nations in September. This radical new agenda is already being called “Agenda 21 on steroids” because it goes so much farther than Agenda 21 ever did. The new UN agenda does not just address the environment – it also addresses issues such as poverty, agriculture, education and gender equality. It is essentially a blueprint for governing the entire planet, and that sounds very much like what Pope Francis also wants. In fact, Pope Francis is going to give the speech that kicks off the UN conference in September where this new sustainable agenda will be launched. For some reason, this Pope has decided to make the fight against climate change the central pillar of his papacy, and he is working very hard to unite as much of humanity as possible to get behind that effort.
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