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Bem-vindo ao Fórum Oficial da ANASP, Fundada em 2009 | Associação Nacional Agentes Segurança Privada | Portugal

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» ofertas emprego
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» Ofertas emprego
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» Ofertas de Emprego Segurança Privada
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    Mensagens : 3215
    Reputação : 61
    Data de inscrição : 17/07/2009
    Idade : 44
    Localização : Portugal

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    Mensagem por ANASP

    Registo individual do condutor

    by Segurança e Ciências Forenses
    [ltr]A Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária (ANSR) dispõe de uma base de dados contendo o registo de infrações do condutor (RIC), a qual consta de ficheiro central informatizado. Através da Lei n.º 27/2015, de 14 de abril, altera-se o Decreto-Lei n.º 317/94[1], de 24 de dezembro que organiza o registo individual do condutor, nos seguintes […]
    Ler mais deste artigo[/ltr]

    Base de dados da PGR sobre suspensão provisória de processos-crime

    by Segurança e Ciências Forenses
    [ltr]A Procuradoria-Geral da República dispõe de uma base de dados sobre suspensão provisória de processos-crime, nos termos dos artigos 281.º e 282.º do Código de Processo Penal, a qual tem por finalidade centralizar a recolha, a atualização e o tratamento da informação relativa à aplicação deste instituto. Através da Lei n.º 27/2015, de 14 de […]
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    Código de Processo Penal – Alterações

    by Segurança e Ciências Forenses
    [ltr]Através da Lei n.º 27/2015, de 14 de abril, procede-se à vigésima segunda alteração ao Código de Processo Penal (CPP), aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 78/87, de 17 de fevereiro. Esta alteração incide sobre os seguintes artigos: Art.º 105.º -  Prazo e seu excesso; Art.º 283.º - Acusação pelo Ministério Público; Art.º 284.º - Acusação pelo […]
    Ler mais deste artigo[/ltr]

    O Ministério Público na Europa


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    14 April 2015
    PR (2015) 059
    [size=36]Visit to NATO Headquarters of Prime Minister of Montenegro[/size]
    The Prime Minister of Montenegro , Mr. Milo Đjukanović will visit NATO Headquarters on Wednesday, 15 April 2015. He will meet with the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg and the North Atlantic Council.
    Media Advisory
    14:45              Joint press point by NATO Secretary General and Prime Minister of Montenegro – Main entrance

    The press point will be webstreamed live on the NATO website.
    Still and video imagery of the bilateral meeting will be available after the event on the NATO website.

    [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]U.S. Military and local Afghan leaders meet to discuss Security and Successes
    13 APR 2015



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    13 April 2015
    On 7 April 2015, Europol supported the French Central Office for Combating Organised Crime (OCLCO) and French Judicial Police in an operation to tackle an organised crime network active in property crime in a wide area of eastern France. The criminal group was formed by Russian-speaking individuals and controlled by a thieves-in-law clan.*  Investigations revealed that the network had carried out hundreds of property crimes and had been operating for at least 12 months.
    Read more




    • Portugal. Repórter TVI na íntegra: caos nas urgências mesmo depois da gripe

    • Portugal. O QUE CAVACO NÃO DIZ

    • Portugal. A TSU, novamente. "O Governo vai repor em 2015 o que o povo derrotou em 2012"



    • Presidente da Guiné Equatorial dissolve governo e prepara remodelação

    • Delegação da CPLP vai à Guiné Equatorial para ajudar "na plena integração" - secretário-executivo

    • Governo de Macau não quer ultrapassar os 21 milhões de turistas anuais da China


    • Projeto de dez milhões de doláres vai ser gerido pelo ministério de Xanana Gusmão


    • Uso de fundos do Estado timorense deve ser feito corretamente e de acordo com as exigências

    • Moçambique. Dhlakama diz que não falhará reformas agrárias nas províncias autónomas

    • Moçambique. Cem rondas de diálogo entre governo e Renamo sem consensos nem fim à vista


    • Angola. OS MENORES E A LEI


    • Cabinda - Padre Casimiro Congo. "Eu não sou político, sou a consciência do povo"





    • Nigéria: Conflito com Boko Haram obriga 800 mil crianças a fugirem - Unicef




    Hezbollah accuses Saudi Arabia of genocide in Yemen 
    Hezbollah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Kassem warns that Saudi Arabia's airstrikes in Yemen may cause the kingdom internal problems • Hezbollah fighters to join Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces against ISIS in the Qalamoun mountains bordering Lebanon. [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

    Israeli authorities arrest Hamas terror cell that planned Purim attack
    Investigation reveals terror cell, led by Hamas operative released from Israeli prison in 2011, planned to carry out shooting attack against Israeli troops near Jerusalem • Terrorists were in the final stages before execution when they were apprehended.

    Russia lifts ban on delivery of S-300 missiles to Iran [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]
    In move that could bolster Iran's military capabilities, Russian President Vladimir Putin approves delivery of advanced air defense system to Iran • Minister Yuval Steinitz: This is direct result of legitimacy Iran has gotten from framework nuclear deal.

    A Bola

    Atentado mata 16 rebeldes xiitas
    A Bola
    Segundo fontes militares, o ataque ocorreu, durante a noite, na província ...Portugal gastou 7,4% do PIB em despesas militares em 1974 - Portugal ...


    Destruição do património de Nimroud pelo grupo Estado Islâmico é "ato de loucura" -- UNESCO
    Destruição do património de Nimroud pelo grupo Estado Islâmico é "ato de ... da cidade antiga de Nimroud, no Iraque, pelo grupo Estado Islâmico. ... Também aqui vigora a lei portuguesa, nomeadamente no direito ao bom nome.

    Tunísia: Presidente tunisino e representante da ONU discutem sobre crise maliana
    ... entre o Presidente da República da Tunísia, Béji Caïd Essebsi, e o representante do Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas no Mali, Mongi Hamdi.

    Circuito Mato Grosso

    Brasil tem uma despesa militar maior que todos os outros lusófonos juntos - Estudo
    O Brasil lidera a lista dos países lusófonos que mais gastam em despesas militares, seguido de Angola e Portugal, segundo um estudo hoje ...

    Reino Unido colabora com países europeus em matéria de aplicação da legislação
    Jornal Digital
    O Sistema de Informação Schengen (SIS), uma ferramenta essencial para as autoridades nacionais cooperarem na luta contra o terrorismo e a ...

    Ex-Blackwater contractor Paul Slough: "I know for a fact that I will be exonerated, in this life and the next."
    Ex-Blackwater contractor Dustin Heard: "I am very sorry for the loss of life…But I cannot say in all honesty to the court that I believe I did anything wrong." Read it all here.

    Absolvida jornalista holandesa acusada de propaganda ao terrorismo

    Notícias ao Minuto -‎

    Esta foi a primeira vez em tempos recentes que uma repórter estrangeira foi acusada pelo delito de apologia doterrorismo na Turquia, ao contrário dos jornalistas turcos que escrevem sobre a minoria curda, que enfrentam com regularidade acusações do ...

    Polícia confundiu arma com Taser e matou suspeito. Acusado de ...

    Diário de Notícias - Lisboa -‎

    O incidente aconteceu na sequência de uma operação de combate ao tráfico de armas. Um dos suspeitos, mais tarde identificado como Eric Courtney Harris, fugiu e no fim da perseguição, já com vários agentes a imobilizá-lo, no chão, ouve-se Bates a dizer ...

    Ex-funcionário da Blackwater condenado a prisão perpétua por ...

    TSF Online -‎

    O incidente agravou o ressentimento contra os norte-americanos no Iraque e destacou a impunidade de que beneficiavam as empresas de segurança privada naquele país. «É um crime grave. Ficou claro que estas jovens pessoas entraram em pânico», ...

    Websense identifica os cinco principais tipos de hackers criminosos

    Bitmag -‎

    Esses hackers estão geralmente baseados na China, Rússia ou Europa Oriental e podem agir individualmente ou fazer parte de um grupo do 

    A capital do cibercrime é uma cidade remota na Roménia

    Observador -‎

    “Ninguém realmente sabe como estes miúdos começaram a burlar pessoas e empresas na Internet. Se descobrirem avisem-nos,” desabafou à Worldcruch o líder da Diretoria de Investigação de Crime Organizado e Terrorismo romeno, Codrut Olaru, que se ...

    Asutrália destaca 330 militares para treinar tropas do Iraque

    TVI24 -‎

    O primeiro-ministro australiano disse esta terça-feira que 330 militares vão ser destacados para o Iraque para treinar as tropas iraquianas no combate contra jihadistas, incluindo do Estado Islâmico. Tony Abbott disse que as tropas seriam destacadas a ...

    Estado Islâmico perdeu cerca de 30% do território

    TVI24 -‎

    O grupo Estado Islâmico perdeu o controlo de «25 a 30%» do território que controlava no Iraque após os ataques aéreos lançados pela coligação internacional e uma ofensiva iraquiana, disse na segunda-feira o Pentágono. O grupo radical tomou o controlo ...

    Amnistia Internacional. Grupo Boko Haram raptou pelo menos 2000 ...

    TSF Online -‎

    O grupo terrorista Boko Haram raptou pelo menos 2.000 mulheres e raparigas na Nigéria desde o início do ano, estimou segunda-feira a Amnistia Internacional, um ano após o rapto de 276 raparigas do liceu de Chibok. «É difícil estimar quantas pessoas ...

    O Estado Islâmico está a recrutar, para fora da frente de batalha. Um jihadista britânico publicou uma lista com dez vagas de empregos para aqueles que se identificam com os ideais do Estado Islâmico, dizendo que há vagas para funções como a de assessores de imprensa, personal trainer ou... bombistas, que descreve como uma "função linda". As autoridades estão a investigar.

    Não muito longe, na Nigéria, há informação de que o grupo terrorista Boko Haram raptou pelo menos 2.000 mulheres e raparigas na Nigéria desde o início do ano. A estimativa é da Amnistia Internacional, libertada um ano após o rapto de 276 raparigas do liceu de Chibok.

    Nestlé’s California water permit expired 27 years ago
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Last month, California newspaper The Desert Sun published an investigation revealing that Nestlé Water’s permit to transport water across the San Bernardino National Forest for bottling has been expired since 1988. On Friday, the California Forest Service announced it would make it “a priority” to reassess the permit, and that it might impose as-of-yet unspecified “interim conditions” on the bottling operation in light of the severe drought, The Desert Sun reports.
    Video: Israel uses child slave labour to plant and harvest its agriculture. Not a big deal though
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Palestinian children as young as 11 are being employed under dangerous conditions in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank in breach of international law, a human rights group said on Monday. Hundreds of child labourers are working in farms and agricultural businesses in the strategically sensitive Jordan Valley for just £13 a day, according to a new report from Human Rights Watch, which documented cases of young people suffering work-related ill health and injuries.
    CISPA Is Back With A Vengeance
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    First introduced in the House of Representatives in 2011, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is once again back in play and is being considered for legislative action this month. Much of the same concerns that accompanied its introduction in 2011 remain specifically that it is a blank check for cybersurveillance dressed up as a bill to promote cybersecurity.
    The Six Too Big To Fail Banks In The U.S. Have 278 TRILLION Dollars Of Exposure To Derivatives
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The very same people that caused the last economic crisis have created a 278 TRILLION dollar derivatives time bomb that could go off at any moment. When this absolutely colossal bubble does implode, we are going to be faced with the worst economic crash in the history of the United States. During the last financial crisis, our politicians promised us that they would make sure that “too big to fail” would never be a problem again. Instead, as you will see below, those banks have actually gotten far larger since then. So now we really can’t afford for them to fail.
    French robotics company: France Develops Anti-Drone Drone to Find Mystery UAV Operators
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    A system designed by a French robotics company promises to detect “malicious drone operators” in under a minute, in a country plagued by mysterious UAVs which have been sighted hovering over landmarks and military installations. France’s ECA Group has created new on-board technology for one of its small drones, the IT180, which promises to locate drone operators in under a minute.
    Why are Florida police using armored vehicles to make traffic stops?
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The escalation of police militarization continues. None of the supposed “violations” in this police report warrant the use of an MRAP. What this does seem like is dudes on a power trip who don’t like their authority to be challenged.
    Cash Banned in Louisiana at Garage Sales, Flea Markets etc.
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Cash strapped governments always turn to tyranny...
    UAE Gave $1 Million to NYC Police Foundation; Money Aided ‘Investigations’
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The New York Police Foundation received $1 million from the United Arab Emirates in 2012, according to a document revealed by The Intercept. Listed as donors who contributed $1 million or more on the Foundation’s 2012 Schedule A tax form, not intended for public disclosure, are Barclays Capital, Fields Family Foundation, The Starr Foundation, Emigrant Savings Bank, JP Morgan Chase & Co and the “Embassy of the United Arab Emirates”. By far the largest donor is JP Morgan Chase, with over $7 million in contributions.
    Fear Inc.: Behind the $57 Million Network Fueling Islamophobia in the U.S.
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    In 2011, the Center for American Progress published “Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America” in order to identify and expose the organizations, scholars, pundits, and activists comprising a tightly linked network that spread misinformation and hateful propaganda about American Muslims and Islam. The report found that seven charitable foundations spent $42.6 million between 2001 and 2009 to support the spread of anti-Muslim rhetoric.
    Cops pick up Maryland kids again, hold them for hours without informing parents
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The Meitiv kids of Maryland, whose parents free-range them, were picked up by the cops yesterday and kept in the back of a patrol car for three hours. This happened once before in January and the parents are getting tired of it.
    W.H. Releases Staged Photo of President at End of Rainbow
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Ex-Blackwater contractors sentenced in Nusoor Square shooting in Iraq which Illegally unleashed "powerful sniper fire, machine guns and grenade launchers on innocent men, women and children"
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    One former employee of the private Blackwater Worldwide security company was sentenced Monday to life in prison and three others to 30 years each behind bars for their roles in a 2007 mass shooting in Baghdad that left 17 people dead.
    Cash-strapped Greece remains top defence spender
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Cash-strapped Greece remains one the biggest spenders on military defence in the EU, relative to its GDP. While austerity is pushing others to reduce military expenditures, Greece still comes out among the top despite large cuts.
    Video of the Day – New Jersey Man Dies After Police Dog Violently Attacks Him While He’s Pinned Down on the Ground
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Cops claim that Vineland, NJ resident Phillip G. White, who died in custody on the way to a hospital on March 31st after the K-9 attack, had been acting erratically, and when officers tried to subdue him, he allegedly tried to grab one of their guns. Then, cops say they pinned him and were forced to unleash the dog on him. The attorney representing the two officers who arrested White say the victim was on drugs at the time, and claim he may have died as a result.
    Saudi military almost entirely staffed by mercenaries
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    The Saudi military is almost entirely staffed by mercenaries. The Saudi jets bombing an air defenseless Yemen are piloted by Pakistanis. Its mid and low level officers are mainly from Jordan and most ominously for its ability to actually launch a ground invasion, its rank and file soldiers are almost entirely from Yemen.
    NSA declares war on general purpose computers
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    NSA director Michael S Rogers says his agency wants "front doors" to all cryptography used in the USA, so that no one can have secrets it can't spy on -- but what he really means is that he wants to be in charge of which software can run on any general purpose computer. Rogers's proposal is no less stupid than the proposal made by UK Prime Minister David Cameron, but it's even scarier in that Rogers runs a highly technical criminal organization with state backing and a history of attacking the security of American computing infrastructure by deliberately introducing vulnerabilities into computersused by American citizens, businesses, and government.
    Sprint to pay $15mn for overcharging feds as it wiretapped its customers
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Telecommunications giant Sprint has agreed to pay $15.5 million to settle a lawsuit in which the the Obama administration alleged that the company overbilled the government while conducting “court-ordered intercepts” of its customers. In 2014, the government sued Sprint, claiming that it has overcharged by $21 million – a 58 percent markup, according to the suit – for its services between January 1, 2007, and July 31, 2010.
    Russia 'busts satellite spy ring': space commander
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    "Very recently, specialists of the department of space intelligence center uncovered a newly created group of space satellites... made for radio-technical reconnaissance of equipment on Russian territory," said the commander of Russian Space Command, Oleg Maidanovich.
    Saudi Arabia’s Plan to Extend the Age of Oil
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Last fall, as oil prices crashed, Ali al-Naimi, Saudi Arabia’s petroleum minister and the world’s de facto energy czar, went mum. He still popped up, as is his habit, at industry conferences on three continents. Yet from mid-September to the middle of November, while benchmark crude prices plunged 21 percent to a four-year low, Naimi didn’t utter a word in public. Last week, in a speech in Riyadh, Naimi said Saudi Arabia would stand “firmly and resolutely” with others who oppose any attempt to marginalize oil consumption. “There are those who are trying to reach international agreements to limit the use of fossil fuel, and that will damage the interests of oil producers in the long-term,” he said.
    Why cap-and-trade schemes are little more than a cash grab
    Posted: 12 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT
    Ontario’s move to join Quebec and California in a cap-and-trade pact for carbon emissions may seem like an environmental win, but whether it’s actually a meaningful step towards battling climate change or just a cash grab by the province, well, you can be the judge. Cap-and-trade schemes create a market for emissions credits that allow a fixed amount of carbon to go into the atmosphere. If an emitter wants to go over its allotment, it can buy surplus credits through an open trading market.
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